Chapter XII

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Adrien wasn't sure how well this plan would work, but it was better than nothing.

Praying that he wouldn't fall, he climbed out his window and grabbed on tightly to the tied sheets.

Risking a look down, Adrien got a strong sense of vertigo. He quickly regretted it and looked back up with a squeak.

"Why am I doing this?!" He asked himself. "I should just go back up and find another way to sneak out."

However before Adrien could climb back in the window; the bedsheet he was holding onto, ripped a bit.

Adrien felt his heart drop down to his feet as he fell a few inches. Quickly before the bedsheet decided to rip anymore, he climbed the rest of the way down.

Never had Adrien moved so fast in his life, but he was glad the danger was over; at least for now... He would still have to face his dad when he got home, but now was not the time to think about that. He had to get to Alya's place, pronto.


Not a second after Adrien knocked on Alya's apartment door, it opened. He was met with Marinette's mom.

"Marinette?" She asked, hopeful. "Oh Adrien, have you gotten our messages?"

Confused, he shook his head. "I lost my phone, can I uh come in?"

"Oh yes! Sorry about that." Mrs. Cheng opened the door wider so Adrien could walk inside, closing it after he did.

Once inside, Adrien looked around. He saw Alya and Nino sitting on the couch.

"Hey Nino, Alya." He greeted.

Nino turned around with a worried expression, a quick look at Alya and Adrien saw the same expression on her face.

"Hey bro have you gotten my texts?" Nino questioned.

"Adrien shook his head, "I lost my phone. I sent you an email."

"I deleted the app yesterday, I need space for a new music app." Nino sighed.

Adrien nodded slowly, "uhm hey what's with the worried expressions?" He asked looking around. "And where's Marinette, I need to talk to her."

"It's been well over two hours and Marinette hasn't been home yet." Alya said.

"We haven't heard anything." Marinette's mom added, "normally she'd call if she was gonna be late but it's about to be ten and not even a single text."

"What do you mean she hasn't been home yet?" Adrien asked, panic settling in his stomach. "Where is she?"

Marinette's mom paced back and forth, biting her nails.

"We don't know." Nino said, a worried look on his face. "When I got here she left, leaving me with Alya. She hasn't been home since."

Adrien grabbed the nape of his neck, worried for Marinette's safety. "And it's been about two hours now and you haven't heard anything?"

Marinette's mom shook her head.

"We have to find her!" Alya spoke from her spot on the couch.

Adrien looked at his friend, she seemed to have gained over ten years in just one night. First her sister and now her best friend.

"What if the same people that got my sister got Marinette too?! We have to go look for her!"

Adrien knew Alya was right, more than likely it was the man in the trenchcoat responsible for this. They had to find her, and fast.


Marinette glared at the girl sitting in front of her, she was nonchalantly picking at her nails. The girls appeared to be no older than ten, and here she was with a kidnapped person; as if she did this everyday and it were her normal.

"Well?" Marinette growled.

The girl looked up from her nails. "Well what?"

"Are you gonna untie me? Tell me why you have me here? Why are you just picking at your nails?"

The girl chuckled, "oh I'm just waiting till you're ready to talk."

Marinette stared at her confusedly. "When have I said I don't want to talk?"

"Oh you never said anything, that's why I thought you didn't want to talk. Not to mention you look like you would bite me if I tried untying you so I just thought the best decision would be sit and wait till you're ready to talk. So are you?"

"Where's Tikki?"

"My my, straight to the point why dont we?" The girl giggled. "You mean the little red bug? Don't worry she's safe for now, so dont worry about her that much. As for your earrings, we took one of them so you wouldn't be able to transform."

"Why the hell are you doing this?" Marinette asked in low whisper.

"Oh sweetie, that's for me to know and you to find out!" She booped her on the nose. "Besides you didn't think we would tell you our plan just like that, did you no?"

Marinette made a gutteral noise, she felt so weird talking like this to a ten your old child, but she had to admit the girl had an evil heart. You could see it in her eyes, they had no light in them.

"Now let's see, we have to continue with our plan. So dearie are you gonna tell us what makes you tick or do we have to find out for ourselves?"

Marinette glanced at the man in the trench coat standing in a corner of the room. He looked ready to pounce as soon as the girl gave the word.

"Why the hell would you want to make me upset? How would that work in your favor." Marinette snarled.

"Well we've got to get to get you akumatized somehow don't we?" The girl said.

"Why the hell would you want to do that? Are you working with Hawkmoth?" Marinette gasped and looked at the man in the corner. "Don't tell me you're Hawkmoth!"

The girl rolled her eyes, "as if we'd ever side with him; he's the most heartless creature on this God forsaken planet. No trust me I already hate this part of the plan; but hey gotta accomplish our goals somehow don't we?"

"Shall we get started Sasha?" The man asked, looking at who Marinette assumed to be Sasha.

Sasha smiled and nodded, not taking her eyes off of Marinette. "Yes, let's get started."

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