Chapter XXI

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The meeting with Felix left both Adrien and Marinette rather shaken. Now they were walking the rest of the way back to Alya's place.

"Hey Adrien?"

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Was it true that you went missing?"

Adrien smiled awkwardly, "yeah."

He rubbed his neck.

"They didn't uhm, hurt you did they?" Marinette said clenching her hands, at the thought of him hurt.

Adrien shook his head. "No, I think they just wanted my ring. But hey, at least I got it back."

He held up his hand for the both of them to see.

Marinette sighed, "what are we gonna do?"

"About what?" Adrien asked.

So much had happened in the last couple of the days, it was hard to know what she was referring to.

"Everything; I mean my dad's still in the hospital, Nora too. What am I gonna tell my mom? Also, do you think that Felix, those gunshots may have..." She trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

Adrien, ran a hand through his hair.

"I don't know." He said, worry taking over his face.

Marinette turned to him and enveloped him in a hug. Adrien was surprised, but returned the hug a second later.

"I'm scared." She confessed.

Adrien rubbed her back, "Me too, but I swear to you Marinette..."

He let her go and grabbed her by the shoulders and looked at her clear blue eyes.

"I swear, I won't let anything happen to you. We'll find a way to stop Felix, remember m'lady? We're a team and we're going to find a way to get through this."

Marinette smiled thankfully.

Adrien looked at her, his eyes glanced at her lips. They were so pink and inviting. Adrien couldn't help but lean in.

At the sight of Adrien leaning in, Marinette panicked. Was he going to kiss her? Was she ready for this? The Adrien Agreste was going to kiss her! Her crush, her wish was coming true! Marinette was scared with giddyness.

She closed her eyes and started leaning in.


The two of them broke apart in an instant.

"Alya?!" Marinette exclaimed.

She found Alya behind her holding her twin sister's hands.

"It is you Marinette!" She exclaimed and ran towards her.

Marinette was engulfed in a tight hug.

Alya grabbed her head and looked at her, examining her.

"Why do you have all these bandages? Are you okay? Who hurt you!?"

"I uh..." Marinette struggled to make up a reason.

"Akuma attack," Adrien said, interjecting in the conversation. "But we were able to get out safely."

Alya looked at him with squinted eyes.

"If it was an akuma, how come Ladybug's lucky charm didn't heal the cuts and bruises?" She asked.

"It was a minor Akuma, Chat was the one who stopped it. He said Ladybug was out of town or something." Marinette said.

"Uh huh..." Alya said slowly, looking at the pair.

"Where were you Marinette? And why didn't you contact us?"

Marinette panicked.

"I, uhm my phone died!" She exclaimed holding up her phone which was indeed dead.

"And where were you? And why were you out so late? You had us all worried you know!"

"I forgot to tell you guys I had to uh meet someone to uhm help them decorate for a birthday party!"

"Decorate for a party." Alya repeated.

Marinette nodded, a little too eagerly.

"At ten in the night." Alya deadpanned

"We uh lost track of time?"

"Adrien did you know about this?" Alya asked.

"No!" Marinette answered for him, "he only helped us when he found us."

"And where did he find you?"

"At my friend's house."

"And where is your friend's house?" Alya was losing her calm demeanor.

"In Paris." Marinette responded a duh look on her face.


"Hey dudette!"

Marinette could hug Nino, he had come at just the perfect time.

"Hey Nino!" Marinette and Adrien said in Unison.

"Where've you been? We've been looking everywhere for you!" Nino said approaching the group.

"I uh..." Marinette trailed off.

"Wow! Would you look at the time! Don't you think it's time we go back?" Adrien exclaimed grabbing Marinette's hand and walking towards Alya's apartment building.

Alya was glaring suspiciously at Marinette's and Adrien's joined hands.

Marinette blushed when she saw what Alya was looking at; there was no doubt Alya would confront her about it later.


After much kissing and hugging and scolding from her mom, Marinette was left alone in the kitchen to contemplate and the past few day's events.

Adrien had left not too long ago, no doubt to go meet with Felix.

What was he planning on doing? Why was he doing what he was doing? Had those gunshots killed anybody?

A knock at the door disturbed Marinette from her thoughts.

Hesitantly she opened the door, and found an old man in a Hawaiian shirt.

"Marinette." He spoke.

"Master Fu? What happened to you?!" Marinette exclaimed.

The man looked like he had aged a lot since when they saw him earlier in the day.

He held out a the earrings, which Marinette took; all while still staring at Master Fu.

"Master Fu?"

"Worry not child, this was simply my payment for repairing the earrings. Aging a hundred years is nothing when compared to saving Paris."

Marinette's heart dropped down to her knees.

"Master Fu, I'm so sorry if I had known this was..."

Master Fu shook his head smiling, making Marinette trail off.

"Do not worry about me, worry about your own."

"Did Adrien tell you?"

Master Fu nodded. "I ran into him on my way here."

"Master Fu, I'm scared. This is someone completely new were fighting, what if we can't win?"

"Nonsense, don't you remember the other time you fought him?"

He said referring to the time Alya, Juleka, and Rose had gotten akumatized.

"You've fought him before and won, you know how his mind works. If you could do it once you can do it again."

Marinette hummed in response, unsure of what else to say.

Shout out to @saphirassong it's her birthday today, and I don't actually know you but happy birthday! 🎈🍰 🍰 🍰 🎈

Next Update: 03-17-2020

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