Chapter XVI

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Vex laughed as he lowered his hand and the akumatized Marinette fell to the ground.

"Alright little lady, now it's time you listen to what we say." He told her as he tied her back on the chair she had originally been in.

"Hawkmoth I know you can hear me, so listen very closely to what I'm about to say." Vex said.

"What do you want." Hawkmoth spoke, through Guardian Angel's body.

"Let's strike a deal." Vex chuckled, lighting a cigar. "If you give us your butterfly miraculous I can give you the two Miraculouses you've been pining for."

"Why are you doing this? And why can't I control Guardian Angel?"

Vex held up a remote looking thing in his hand. "It's a useful little gadget that was provided to us when we started this job. Let's us control whoever we want with the flip of a switch."

Vex smirked and clicked the remote. Two little prongs popped out of the end, creating electricity, and making it look like a taser.

"She'll do whatever we tell her to, she's no longer under your control."

"You know I can just unakumatize her you know?" Hawkmoth/Guardian Angel snarled.

Vex shrugged. "Yeah you could, but would you really want to lose this great opportunity? I mean I'm practically handing the miraculouses to you. Like I said I just want your miraculous."

"No dirty tricks?"

Vex took a drag out of the cigar.

"No mister, none at all."

He held out his hand, to which Guardian Angel just stared at.

"Oh my! Where are my manners! Let me untie her." Vex said giggling like a child.

Once untied, both men shook hands and sealed the deal. Vex handed Guardian Angel Chat Noir's ring, and she ran off like she was told to by Vex; only listening to Hawkmoth for directions.

Vex smirked and called Sasha.

"Hello?" The girl answered, she appeared to be in a fight if some sort. "Is everything set?"

"Yeah Hawkmoth bought it, Hook line and sinker. Now we just wait."

Vex could hear his boss smirk on the other line.



"Seriously?!" Cassie exclaimed, as she swung at her sister. "Did you seriously just answer a phone call in the middle of a fight?!"

Sasha ducked, deftly avoiding her sister's punch. "Yeah so?"

"See! This is what I'm talking about! You never set your priorities straight! This is the exact reason why we drifted apart! You're never serious!"

Sasha rolled her eyes, and ran towards Cassie with her dagger. "Oh please, you were the golden child, that's the real reason. You always had to be daddy's little favorite didn't you?"

"Are you seriously still caught up on that? You know I didn't chose to be dad's favorite and you know it. That man was a psychopath." Cassie said, sidestepping the dagger with a glare.

Sasha grinned. "Yeah that's why I killed him."

Cassie scoffed. "Kill him? You did more than just kill him Sasha. You tore our family apart. What about mom huh? Did you ever think about her?!"

Adrien slowly started backing away from the fight in front of him. He felt like he was invading something private, it was best if he left.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a dash of movement.

Adrien spun around, just in time to see someone that looked faintly like Marinette run past.

"Marinette?" He whispered to himself, before running towards her.

He yelled her name, but she gave no response.

Adrien felt his heart drop to his knees. Had she... Had she been akumatizatized?

He ran to her and grabbed her by the shoulder.

"Marinette! Can you hear me?" Adrien yelled, spinning her to face him.

Again, she gave no response. But Adrien swore he saw a flash of recognition in her eyes.

Marinette shrugged Adrien's hand off.

"Not Marinette." She spoke in quiet tones. "Guardian Angel now."

She ran off, with Adrien on her tail.


Gabriel couldn't believe it, he was finally getting the miraculouses.

Finally Emilie! He thought to himself.

He was practically jumping for joy, and the only thing he had to do was give the girl his miraculous!

Still despite the joy, Gabriel couldn't help but shake the feeling that something seemed a bit odd about this whole ordeal. It seemed a little to good to be true...

He didn't dwell on the matter though, because he was about the get the two miraculouses!

Nathalie walked into the room, "Sir, she has arrived. But it ah, it seems she brought a guest? Well he's not leaving her side is what he said but uhm..."

Gabriel waved her off. "It's fine Nathalie, let them both in."

Nathalie nodded, and proceeded to follow his orders.

Not long after Guardian Angel entered, with none other than Adrien at her heels.

Gabriel sighed, why was he not surprised.

"Father? Adrien spoke. "What's going on? Why is Marinette akumatized? And why is she here?"

"It's a long story son." Gabriel said walking up to him. "Please just go to your room, it'll be over soon."

Adrien glared at him with piercing eyes.

"No father, I'm not leaving."

Gabriel stared at his son, confused.

When had he gotten so tall? His eyes, they contained so much sadness... Was it his fault? Gabriel frowned. Had he really gotten so obsessed with bringing Emilie back that he completely missed his own son grow up?

"Father, I'm not leaving until I get a proper explanation." Adrian repeated.

His son's voice brought Gabriel out of his daze.

He cleared his throat.

"Adrien, I'm not sure you really want to know what's going on. It might be a lot to take in."

Adrien crossed his arms. "Try me."

Gabriel sighed and looked down at his feet, too ashamed to look his only son in the eye.

"I'm Hawkmoth."

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