Chapter IX (Part One)

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Marinette detransformed a few blocks away from the hospital, and ran the rest of the way.

Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.

She whispered those words like a mantra, in hopes that they would be true.

She arrived at the hospital and pushed past doctors and nurses.

They can get anywhere, the note said. This is the only place where they would need to get in; Marinette thought.

She ran to the stairs forgoing the elevator in gear that it might be too slow.

They're trying to send a message, she thought. That's the only logical reason.

Marinette ran harder, she reached the floor her dad was on and ran through the hallway.

What if he's already... No! Marinette shook her head she can't think like that, her dad's fine. He has to be...

Marinette speed at his door and took a deep breath in, preparing herself for what could be inside.

She opened the door and came across an empty room.

Panic settled in her heart. Did they take him?

She looked around the room in a panic. Where could he have gone?

She ran to the bed, and found the sheets and stripped and folded.

She felt tears well up in her eyes; running to the bathroom, and still found no one.

Marinette ran out of the room, hyperventilating. She found a nurse and ran to her.

"Where's my dad?!" She asked. "Did you see who took him?!"

The nurse looked at her with concerned eyes.

"You need to calm down first." The nurse said, resting her hands on Marinette's shoulders. "What is your dad's name?"

Marinette took a few deep breaths. The nurse was right she wouldn't be able to do anything if she couldn't even breathe correctly.

"Tom... Tom Dupain." She said.

"Room number?"


"Let me go check his chart okay?" The nurse said and started walking towards his room.

Marinette nodded and followed the nurse.

"Hmm it says here he was moved down a floor. He's recovering rather quickly and well, so they didn't see a reason to keep him in the burn center so they moved him downstairs."

"What's his room number?" Marinette asked.


"Thank you!" Marinette exclaimed, and ran off before the nurse could say anything else.

"Papa?" Marinette asked hesitantly as she entered the room.

"Marinette?" Responded her dad.

She felt her heart slow down and her lungs start giving her oxygen again, at the sight of her dad. He was okay, her dad was okay.

"How are you holding up?" She asked as she approached his bed.

Her dad sat straight up and turned off the TV.

"Good, I just ate lunch." He motioned to an empty tray next to him. "How was school?"

"Good, uhm hey Dad?"


"Had anyone uh... visited you today? Like besides mom or me?"

He shook his head. "No I don't believe so why? Should I expect someone? Like your boyfriend?" He joked.

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