Chapter XX

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Marinette gulped at the gun in horror.

She felt fear surface in her stomach.

"What do you want Felix?" Adrien said, stepping in front of Marinette.

Adrien's hand found its way into Marinette's as they both faced off the armed boy in front of them.

"Adrien," Felix said, with a short temper. "I'm going to ask you to please move. I don't want to hurt you."

"Yeah?" Adrien crossed his arms. "If you hurt her, you're hurting me."

Adrien walked slowly towards his cousin, making Felix face him instead of Marinette.

"Why are you doing this Felix?"

"I want us back Adrien." Felix said, lowering his hand. "I want us to go back to the way we were!"

Felix walked towards Adrien, momentarily forgetting about the Marinette.

"You and me against the world, wasn't that our thing Adrien?" He said, his calm composure breaking as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Still holding the gun, he put his hands on Adrien's shoulder and shook him lightly.

"Isn't that what we used to say to each other Adrien? Why can't it go back to that?"

"We can do that Felix." Adrien agreed, eyeing the gun. "But we can do that without you hurting anyone."

Slowly Adrien started to move his hand to grab the gun, as he kept talking.

"Remember when we changed clothes and we confused our parents?" Adrien looked at Felix and smiled. "Remember how inseparable we were? It can go back to the way it was Feli-"

Felix snatched his hands away and nodded eagerly.

"Yes! It can go back to the way it was!" He nodded, agreeing with Adrien.

"But in order to do that, I need to get rid of the obstacles. And I'm afraid she is one of them."

Felix aimed the gun and pulled it's trigger.



Mrs. Cheng opened the door to her husband's hospital room. After much thought, she had decided to tell him Marinette was missing. He deserved to know if his daughter was in potential trouble, no matter how hurt he was.

At the sight of his wife Tom's eyes lit up.

"You know, I knew you were in love with me; but to get up at six in the morning..." He trailed off when he saw the worried look on her face.

"Honey what's wrong?"

"Marinette." Sabine responded, as she walked up to his bed and grabbed his hand. "She's missing, we can't find her."

She let the words settle in Tom's head, before speaking again.

"Tom, I'm so scared. First you, then Alya's older sister and now Marinette."

"Alya's sister? What happened to her?" Tom said, momentarily distracted.

"Someone broke in and attacked her, she's in the hospital right now."

Sabine broke into tears. "Oh no! What if Marinette's in the hospital right now, and she's all alone and scared?!"

Sabine's heart raced at the thought of her daughter seriously injured.

"And my phone has no battery, so even if she tried to call me I wouldn't be able to pick up!"

Tom let his wife vent, she looked like she needed it. He looked at the bags under her eyes, her messy hair. When was the last time she had a good night's rest?

He let her cry on his shoulder, as he stroked her hair.

He was beyond angry at himself, he should be out there looking for his daughter; instead he was in the hospital. Why did he have to get injured? Why couldn't he be stronger? He was supposed to be the man of the house for goodness sake!

It was after Sabine's cries had quietened that he spoke.

"Did you file a report with the police?"

She nodded.

"Yes, but you know them; they can barely find their feet under their potbellies. How can I expect them to find a teenager lost in Paris?"

"How long has she been missing?"

"We didn't notice she was gone til ten last night, but she probably went missing a few hours before. I don't know when but she kind of slipped out in the whole chaos of Alya's sister being injured."

Tom sighed and squeezed her hand, unsure of what else to do.


Felix had fired, but luckily Adrien had faster reflexes.

He had been able to knock the gun out of his hand as it shot.

Good news, the bullet hadn't hit Marinette, or anyone for that matter.

Bad news, someone's car was going to need a new tire; but that was the least of anyone's worries.

Felix stared at his cousin, shocked that he would do such a thing.

Adrien stared back, relieved that no one was hurt.

"Felix, please." Adrien begged. "I'll do anything you want, just don't hurt her."

"Anything?" Felix said, perking up.

Adrien nodded slowly.

Felix smirked, and picked up the gun; he put it away along with his gloves.

"Okay then, have it your way Adrien."

He brushed an invisible speck of Adrien's shirt.

"I'll let her live, for now. But the both of you will have to follow my rules. One wrong step and..."

Felix made a gun with his fingers and pretended to shoot it at Marinette.

He looked back at Adrien and smiled. "I'll talk to you later, just go on about your normal day. As for me, well I've got some assassin's to punish."

Adrien and Marinette watched as Felix sauntered away.


Master Fu looked at the newly fixed earrings in his hand; they looked good as new.

According to the miraculous grimoire he just had to gather as many kwamis possible and have them form a circle and chant something from the book.

Granted he did have a price to pay for it, but he would worry about that later.

Now all that mattered was getting the miraculous back to Marinette.

Slowly standing up, he got his shoes and got ready to go deliver the earrings.

Next update: 03-02-2020

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