Chapter X

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Marinette's blood froze. She reached up and grabbed the officer's radio.

"What do you mean he's missing?" She exclaimed. "Did someone take him?"

"Hey!" The cop yelled and snatched his radio back.

"What do you mean he's missing?" The cop said into the radio.

"We don't know anything besides he was reported missing. Apparently the kid had detention and his bodyguard saw everyone but him leave." A voice spoke from the radio, "I need you all to stop what you're doing and look for him. Sending a picture to all your phones in case you don't know what he looks like."

The cop grunted. "I think the kid's simply playing hooky because he didn't want to go to detention. Everyone is making such a big deal about this."

Marinette frowned. "He's not playing hooky he was in detention with everyone the whole time! He left when I left too! Someone must have taken him!"

The cop grabbed Marinette by the shoulders and turned her around. "Well if someone did take him we'll find him and if he's playing hooky, we'll find him too. He's your friend right? That's already two bad things that happened to your friends in one day. Now go home before something bad happens to you too."

Ha patted her shoulder and walked away to his car.

He's right. Marinette thought all of this had happened because she didn't go with the man when he told her to. He had warned her of this. Now Alya's sister could die and they might never see Adrien again!

Marinette ran into an alley and transformed.

She reached for her yo-yo and called Chat; her call went straight to voicemail.

She called again.

And again.

And again.

All her calls went to voicemail.

She said, unsure of what to do.

Sighing she called him one more time in hopes that this time he would answer. She wasn't surprised when it went to voicemail again.

She took a deep breath and spoke into the phone.

"Chat... I... I'm... I'm going to be gone for awhile. Uhm... Chat please take care of my family and friends. Keep Paris safe." She said, her voice cracking in the end.

She hung up and leapt up to the sky.

Tears streamed down her face, as she landed on a roof.

"Where are you!" She yelled. "Give Adrien back! Stop hurting my friends! I'll go with you! Just..."

She fell on her knees and sobbed.

"Just stop please! I beg you. Please..."

Ladybug wiped her tears, frustrated that she couldn't do anything for her friends.

She hugged her knees and whimpered. Where was Chat when she need him?

"Well well well, look what we have here?"

Ladybug looked up at the owner of the voice, it was the same man with the trenchcoat.

"Are you ready to come with me?"

She shot up. "Give Adrien back!"

"Are you ready to come with us?" The man repeated.

"If you let Adrien go I'll go with you." She said.

"Alright then." The man said as he started walking towards Ladybug.

"Wait," she slowly backed up as the man approached her. "How... How am I gonna know you let him go."

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