Chapter IV

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"M'lady?" Chat called as he looked into Marinette's room.

He had left for a couple of minutes but turned back around when he realized Ladybug wasn't following.

When he poked his head through the trap door, he encountered Ladybug standing stock-still; a music box playing from somewhere in the room.

"Ladybug?" He asked as approached her slowly.

"Ladybug?" He repeated.

"It's all my fault."

Chat frowned, confused. "What?"

Ladybug turned around tears streaming down, a hurricane of emotions in her eyes. "It's all my fault! If I had just gone with him none of this would have happened! They would be safe and unharmed!"

Chat was still confused. "What do you mean?"

Ladybug responded by thrusting a piece of paper towards him. He read it, but was still confused. Chat looked back up at Ladybug as if awaiting an explanation.

Ladybug turned around and grabbed the music box. She shut the lid cutting off the music it had been playing, and handed it to him.

"It was lying on the bed, I saw it just as I was leaving." She said looking down at her feet.

Chat opened the music box, revealing the ladybug themed ballerina.

"I don't get it," he said.

Ladybug looked up at him.

"Why would he leave it here for you? Do you think this is why Marinette and her family was hurt? Are you friends with them in your civilian form?"

Ladybug stared at Chat, should she tell him?

"Sort of?"

Chat blinked, awaiting an explanation.

"You see, uhm Tikki spots off." She said looking down and closing her eyes.

Chat didn't realize what was happening to late; and was no longer staring at Ladybug, but at his clumsy fashionista friend.

He let the note and the music box slip from his hands in shock.

"Marinette?" Chat whispered in confusion.

He was about to ask where Ladybug went when it hit him, he was staring right at her. Holy cow! He just found out Ladybug's identity!

Marinette cleared her throat, still looking down. "Yes?"

Chat blinked, "It's you! Oh my gosh I can't believe this, this whole time it was you!"

Marinette looked up hesitantly, "are you... Upset that it's me?"

Chat smiled. "Are you kidding? No!" Chat engulfed her in a hug and spun her around.

Marinette yelped in surprise, she had definitely not expected this reaction.

"Shoot!" Chat exclaimed letting go. "You still don't know who I am! Plagg claws in." He said.

Marinette reacted faster than Chat did and covered her eyes.

"No!" She exclaimed.

"What? Why?" Chat, now back as Adrien asked.

He couldn't help but feel a little hurt at Ladybug's-er Marinette's reaction. Did she not want to know who he really was?

"You're already in danger being Chat," Marinette reasoned, her hands still over her eyes. "If I know your true identity you would be in double danger because of me. I don't want that to happen."

He sighed, he supposed she was right. He wouldn't be able to protect her if he was too busy watching on the target on his back.

Then again unbeknownst to Marinette she already knew his civilian form, but she didn't need to know that.

Reluctantly, he fed Plagg some cheese and transformed back to Chat Noir.

"You can open your eyes now." He said.

Marinette hesitantly removed her hands and looked at him.

"Thank you."

Chat smiled at her.

"Okay so I know your identity and you don't know mine. What now?"

Marinette looked down, "I don't know, I'm thinking maybe I'll turn myself in?"

"What? No! Why?!"

"You saw what happened Chat. That could happen to you, or other people that's exactly what I don't want."

"Ok but that's exactly what whoever targeted you wants! We can't just give in to what they say!"

"Chat you don't understand! More people are going to get hurt if I don't turn myself in!" Marinette screamed, she was crying now.

Chat's stern face fell, he creased his eyebrows and walked towards her. He wiped her tears and pulled her into a gentle hug.

"It'll be okay," He cooed. "I promise, we'll find whoever is responsible for this and make them pay. But please, don't go you don't know what they want with you. Please promise me you won't go please."

Marinette nodded and leaned into Chat's hug, allowing herself to be comforted.

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