Chapter XXIV

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Chat Blanc stood in front of the new replaced Hawkmoth.

"What do you want me to do now Felix."

"Don't call me that, I am Hawkmoth now."

Chat glared at him.

"Nevertheless," Felix continued. "I want you to assassinate the mayor of Paris."

He flicked the little bell on Chat's collar.

"You mean Chloe's dad." Chat clarified.

"Ugh, yes and kill her too. I absolutely can not stand her."

"I'm not killing anyone Felix."

"Oh but you will." He smirked. "Need I remind you of our little deal?"

"Okay, I'll do it." Chat sighed. "But why did you have to turn me into Chat Blanc? And why am I not wrecking havoc like the other akumas?"

"I told you, your father was a manipulator. He relished in the little control he had over his akumatizations. I simply gave you the powers, as long as one is willing the miraculous of the butterfly can give you the powers I desire. Now as to why I akumatized you, that's quite simple. Publicity."

"Publicity?"  Chat questioned.

"We still need to maintain your image as Chat Noir, but I still need you to do some of my dirty work. What better excuse than an akuma? Everyone gets akumatized, everyone has rampant emotions sometimes, no one would blame you for it. All the blame would go to Hawkmoth."

"Which no one knows is dead, what are you going to tell everyone? What excuse are you going to make up for why he hasn't shown up to meetings? Or why he hasn't come out with be designs? Because I really doubt you want to tell the public that you killed him."

"Oh, but what if it was revealed that he was Hawkmoth first? Then I would be viewed as a sort of hero for ridding the world of such a heinous villain. Really Adrien, I've been telling you since yesterday; you've got to get over the death of your father. He wasn't even that great of a man."

Chat glared at him.

"Now off you go to your little mission."

Felix pushed him forward.

"And remember, don't disappoint me!"


The group of friends was on their lunch break, and were on their way to Adrien's house to check up on him. When Alya stopped walking. This caused Marinette to look back at her.

"Alya?" Marinette asked.

This got Nino's attention as he stopped too.

"Is everything alright" he asked.

Alya gave no answer other than a slight shake of the head, her eyes were glued to her phone.

Marinette walked over to her, followed by Nino.

She took a look at Alya's phone. Paris' famous news reporter, Nadja, was on the screen; a worried look on her face.

The caption read:

Beloved  Mayor of Paris assassinated by akumatized hero

Marinette's eyes widened, "Chat" she whispered.

"Oh dang, I wonder how he got akumatized." Nino said, reading the screen.

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