Chapter VIII

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Marinette sighed as she stretched out her cramped wrist. She looked at her progress, one more periodic table to go.

She blew out a breath and lay her head on the table. She closed her eyes to rest them for a bit when she felt Alya tap her shoulder.

"You almost done?" She whispered.

Marinette nodded as she began to work on the last table.

"Hurry up it's already five thirty." Alya urged her quietly. "We're gonna miss the movie and have to buy new tickets."

"I'm going as fast I can!" She whispered, scribbling the last of the elements on. Not caring if they were legible or not.

Alya sighed dramatically and rested her head on her hand.

"Done." Marinette said and started packing up her stuff.

"Come on!" Alya urged, standing up and grabbing her things.

Shaking her numb wrist, Marinette grabbed her bookbag and rushed to the teacher's desk.

Crap! The periodic tables were still on her desk. She turned back around to grab them, and ran straight into Adrien.

"Gah! Adrien! Sorry!" Marinette exclaimed, not realizing that she was in a dead silent detention room.

Like hawks, all eyes turned to the two of them.

With red cheeks Marinette speed walked to her desk, and was surprised to not find her work.

She looked at Alya, who was still standing at her desk.

To which Alya responded by pointing behind Marinette.

Marinette spun around and almost slammed her face into Adrien's chest, again.

She looked up, her cheeks turning even redder.

"I think you're looking for these." He said, handing her the papers.

Marinette took them from him, embarrassment clear on her face.

"Oh! Uh thanks!" She exclaimed and walked back to the teacher's desk robotically, with a bright red face, Alya and Adrien following close behind.

"Ms. Dupain-cheng," Ms. Mendeliev said tired, already of whatever had just happened. She just wanted to go home but those dang kids made her give them all detention.

"Are you done? So that I can sign you out?" She sighed.

Marinette nodded and handed the fifty periodic tables to her.

Ms. Mendeliev took them and checked her name off.

"Good, you're free to go."

"Uhm..." Marinette said unsure of how to start. "Do you... happen to have my uh music box? You said I could have it back at the end of the day."

Ms. Mendeliev rolled her eyes and opened a drawer. She paused as she looked for it, but it was nowhere to be found.

Looking back up at Marinette, she frowned.

"It's not here you stole it back, didn't you?" She accused.

Marinette frowned, "no..." She stuttered, confused.

Ms. Mendeliev glared at her. "Sure you didn't. Just leave, I don't know why you even bothered to ask if you stole it anyways."

Marinette gaped at her, until Alya ran in front of her.

"I'm finished!" She yelled, slamming her work on the desk and running out of the class, dragging Marinette with her.

"Wait Alya!" She said, digging her feet into the ground. "My music box! Someone took it!"

"You mean the one that you brought with you from your house? Where'd you get it anyway?" Alya noticed Marinette's worried eyes. "Is it in your bag?"

"Maybe?" Marinette said, reaching to her bag. "But the teacher took it and didn't give it back..."

Something red fell out of her bag as she opened it.

Confused, she bent down to pick it up. It was an origami butterfly. She frowned and picked it up.

"What's that?" Alya asked her curiosity piqued.

"I don't know." She responded. "But it looks like it has something written on it..."

Marinette furrowed her brows, a dark feeling settling in her stomach.

She unfolded the paper and found a drawing on it.

Examining the drawing, she noticed it looked like a little box, and there was a ballerina mid pirouette just like...

"Hey guys." Adrien said walking up to the two girls.

Neither Marinette nor Alya paid him any mind, they were to focused on the drawing.

Marinette gasped, how was she so oblivious it was a drawing of the music box she had.painted ballerina figure and all.

"What's that?" Adrien asked.

Marinette ignored him, Alya just shrugged.

Marinette turned the paper over.

Upon seeing the other side, her hands started shaking, and she felt bile rise up to her throat.

"Marinette?" Adrien asked, concern in his voice.

Marinette felt a hand shake her shoulder gently; someone kept calling her name.

"I... I've got to go!" She exclaimed.

Marinette ran off, dropping the paper and her bag in the process. Leaving Alya and Adrien behind both concerned and confused.

"Did you see how pale she got? What happened? She was fine a few minutes ago!" Alya said.

Adrien bent down to grab the paper, it had landed drawing side up so he flipped it over.

Dearest Marinette,

We can get in anywhere
at anytime
remember that

Adrien's blood ran cold, this was definitely a message from the creepy man with the girl and he saw the other day.

"What's it say?" Alya asked, grabbing the paper from him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, confused when she read it. "Adrien?"

Alya looked up and found Adrien gone.

"Great," she muttered to herself as she picked up Marinette's bookbag. "I'm surrounded by crazy people."


Adrien, Now as Chat Noir parkoured through the Paris skyline; a large pit in his stomach.

Where could she be? Think Adrien think! What could Marinette have thought was so in danger that she had to run off like that?

A light bulb went off in his head.

Her dad! Marinette must have gone to the hospital!

With a direction in mind now, Chat raced to the hospital praying that nothing bad had happened yet.

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