Chapter XXV

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Chat looked at Felix.

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Go, but as soon as you deal with her you come right back, I'm still not done with you."

Chat nodded and jumped out of the car, heading back.

He spotted her before she spotted him.

"Bugaboo! Over here!" He called.

She turned around with a slight frown on her face. What did I tell you about calling me bugaboo?"

She sighed and shook her head. "Never mind that," She looked up at him, "Is it true? did you really..."

Ladybug trailed off, unable to speak the words.

Chat looked down, shifting his weight he nodded. "I had to, he threatened you."

"Chat I can defend myself, he couldn't..." She grabbed his chin and moved it to face her.

He was taken aback by how clear  and blue her eyes were.

"Chat," she whispered, "are you aware of what you just did?"

His lips quivered a she nodded slightly. His breath quickened, and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh baby, come here," She said, pulling him into her arms.

Chat let himself be cradled, as he bawled.

"He didn't even put up a fight! Just asked for me to spare Chloe! What have I done!"

She rocked him back and forth.

"shh, you were akumatized, you had no control over your body."

"But I did! I let myself get akumatized! I could have just walked out of there!"

"You know you couldn't do that. You also didn't want to, but you had to. To keep me safe."

She ran her hands through his hair in an effort to calm him.

"It'll be okay Chaton."


Felix adjusted his shirt, as the camera man counted down.

"Five, four, three." He held up two, then one, then he was live.

"Citizens of Paris" He spoke into the camera. "In spite of this horrible event, I come bearing good news. I Felix Graham de Vanily, have been able to defeat Hawkmoth. Henceforth deakumatizing Chat Blanc, and preventing any more damage to be done."

He held up the miraculous of the moth to the camera.

He paused for a couple seconds, letting everyone soak the information in.

"It hurts me to admit, that Hawkmoth was my paternal uncle, and famed fashion designer Gabriel Agreste. My cousin Adrien Agreste and I were very shocked to find out this information. But we did what any law abiding citizen would have done if their relative was a villain. We tried to confront him about it. When we did, he was in the middle of giving orders to Chat Blanc to murder more people."

He sighed and shook his head, looking away from the camera to wipe a few tears.

"There was nothing we could do, he attacked his own son, I was left with the only option but to shoot him with a small handgun he kept in his office." He said, making sure his voice quivered as he spoke.

He cleared his throat and looked away from the camera again.

"Do you need a second?" He heard Nadja whisper.

He shook his head. "No I'm alright." he whispered back.

He looked back at the camera. "Unfortunately, we also discovered that Mayura, who was Hawkmoth's assistant was also his assistant in real life. Nathalie Sancoeur, upon discovering that we had attacked Hawkmoth preceded to attack us in a murderous rage. We were... We were left with no other options but to..." His face contorted into one of grief and he shook his head. "I'm sorry, I just I can't." He said before walking out of the view of the camera.

Nadja offered him a tissue and rubbed his back. "Thank you that was more than enough."

He gave her a small smile, before walking out of the building and back into his car. 

"Take me back to the Agreste Mansion please." He told his chauffeur with a straight face.

He wiped the remaining of his tears, and smirked.

phase two of the plan was just commencing.


"Okay," Ladybug said, breaking apart the hug. "How about, we go back to your place and confront Felix? We cannot let him keep controlling us like this."

"But what if-"

She put a finger to his mouth. "I'll do the talking, if he does attack us, well then we'll just fight him. Remember? you and me against the world Chaton."

He smiled and nodded. "Okay, let's go." They got up from where they were kneeling and jumped down to an alleyway. detransforming and giving their kwamis a break. as they walked out of the alleyway hand in hand, they came out and saw a wide-eyed Alya pinning Nino to a wall

"Oh, Hi guys!" Marinette said nervously.


Alya turned the corner, just in time to see Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped down into an alleyway. She ran faster to meet them at the thought of meeting them and interviewing them. She looked into the Alleyway as they were detransforming. She tried looking away, she really did, but her curiosity got the best of her.

Her eyes widened and she saw her Marinette and Adrien.

"Alya!" Nino called out, finally catching up to her.

she turned around and shoved him towards a wall.

"No!' She exclaimed.

"What?" he asked.

At that moment Marinette and Adrien walked out.

Next Update: 05-12-2020

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