Chapter V

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Marinette hesitantly opened the door, terrified of what she was going to see. Her heart squeezed in pain when she saw her dad's figure on a bed wrapped in bandages.

The only person in the room besides Marinette, was a nurse writing something down on a clipboard.

At the sound of the door closing the nurse turned and met Marinette's worried eyes.

The woman smiled softly and walked towards Marinette.

"Your dad is going to be okay. He suffered third degree burns they're mostly located on his back; although there are a few severe burns on his arms, with enough care and patience it could leave little to no scarring. Your dad is out of the woods, now all that awaits him is a long road to recovery."

Marinette felt the pressure in her chest lift when she heard that her dad was no longer in danger.

"In fact we're going to move him down from ICU to the burn unit downstairs. I'm just writing down his  vitals before transfer, if you'll give me a few more minutes I can give you the new room number."

Marinette nodded, it seemed like this nurse liked to talk a lot; which was okay since Marinette didn't know what she would say if not.

The nurse went back to doing her job, and Marinette turned her attention back to her dad.

Last night, after getting treated by the paramedics her mom had scolded her about sneaking out of the house. But when she saw Marinette start tearing up she hugged and held her like she would when Marinette would wake up in the middle of the night with nightmares.

She didn't know how long they held, but it was one of the nicest moments in her life; despite the current situation.

Alya coughed awkwardly and suggested they both spend the night at her home since theirs needed some serious repairs.

Now it was early in the morning and Marinette had snuck out to go see her dad.

She felt relieved now, knowing that her father was now out of the worst part.


On her way back from the hospital, Marinette found herself walking towards her house.

She hadn't realized she was at her house until she was standing in front of the wrecked building. The whole bottom of the building was absolutely burnt, it looked as if it could fall down any minute now. While the top half of the building was only burnt in some places, save for Marinette's room that had no burn marks.

"Marinette" Tikki asked hesitantly.

Marinette looked at Tikki and smiled, before heading inside.

"I'm not so sure it's safe to go inside that building." Tikki spoke.

"I'm not so sure either, but I feel like I need to; it'll be quick." Marinette promised, walking into the scorched building.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." Tikki whispered, following closely after Marinette.


Adrien couldn't believe it, Marinette had been Ladybug this entire time. He knew Ladybug's identity. . .

So then why did it feel so wrong? Why did he feel something dark and heavy settling in his stomach? Could it be that there was something really wrong with that? Or was he just really hungry.

Adrien's stomach growled, yep definitely hungry. Adrien would think about this later, for now he had to get something to eat.

Adrien walked eagerly down the stairs at the thought of food, thinking of what he should eat. Perhaps he could convince the cook to let him eat some quimchee; his mouth practically watering from the thought, he walked faster.

"Adrien." Nathalie stepped in front of him, causing Adrien to stop just a few steps short from the kitchen.

"I assume you're ready to go?"

Adrien furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "ready to go? Where? For what?"

He tried recalling if he had anything, he was pretty sure this was one of the few of his free Saturdays. In fact he had been planning to visit Marinette later today, as Chat that is.

Nathelie's hard eyes soften apologetically. "Oh Adrien I'm sorry, did I forget to tell you? You're dad wanted me to schedule two more photoshoots, and today was the only day you were free."

Adrien sighed, far from surprised. "Typical, I haven't even eaten yet." He mumbled angrily.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, let's just go I'm ready." Adrien said as he started walking out to the car dejectedly.

"I'll pick you up around noon to get you lunch and take you to your next shoot okay?" Nathalie said as Adrien opened the car door.

Adrien nodded and stepped out, closing the door.

"Oh and Adrien?" Nathalie out.

He looked back and saw her rolling down the window.

"I know this isn't much." She looked down and ruffled through her bag. "But here."

She took out a small water bottle and granola bar and handed it to him.

Adrien felt a strange warmth run through his body as he took them.

"Thank you Nathalie." Adrien smiled, through a tornado emotions.

Nathalie nodded and rolled the window back up as the car drove away leaving Adrien standing by the seine.

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