Chapter XI

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Adrien couldn't breathe, his ring was gone now. How was he going to be able to protect Marinette?

He paced around in his room, disheviling his hair. Usually at this point Plagg would be flipping through the channels on the TV.

Plagg would tell him to chill out, and what the big deal was? And he'd mention that he loved Camembert so much because it caused no problems.

Then Adrien would roll his eyes and give the kwami a piece of the stinky cheese.

It always kind of aggravated him that Plagg never took problems seriously, and that he always messed around.

But now he came to realize no matter how aggravating he was, Plagg always seemed to make light of any serious situation.

He didn't realize how much he needed him.

Before he came to realize it Plagg had grown on Adrien like mold grew on Camembert.

Adrien let out a frustrated yell as he flopped on his bed.

He had to tell Marinette that his ring was missing, without revealing his identity.

Maybe he could just go as Adrien and tell him Chat sent him?

Adrien sat up in his bed, and nodded to himself.

Seems like a logical idea, he thought.

Adrien got up to his bed and ran up to the door. Carefully  making sure that no one was around, he snuck out of his room and went down the stairs.

He had just reached the front door when his father called his name.


He flinched, his hand on the doorknob ready to turn it.

"Yes father?"

"Where are you going?"

"Out." Adrien replied, shrugging.

Crossing his fingers behind his back, he hoped that just this once his father would just let him leave.

His father stared at him, before delivering a hailstorm. "Out? You just got kidnapped and you're going out making it easier for them to do it again? Which mind you shouldn't have happened because you weren't with you're bodyguard because you were to busy being out."

Adrien turned around, "No father! It's just..."

"No Adrien, you need to be more responsible if you had not had detention you wouldn't have been so easily taken." He pointed to Adrien's room. "Go to your room and stay there for the rest of the night, Nathalie will bring your dinner up."

Adrien glared at his father, Adrien knew it was wrong, however he couldn't help but hate his father sometimes.

This was one of those times.

Adrien trudged up to his room, at least when he still had Plagg he would be distracted by him, now he had no one.

Adrien let out a growl and slammed the door.

"No Adrien," he said to himself. "You need to calm down."

He took a few deep breaths in efforts to get his angry heart to stop pounding. He wasn't going to help the situation if he ended up akumatized and hating Ladybug.

He calmly walked over to his desk and turned on his computer.

Tapping his fingers on the desk, he waited for his email to load.

His fingers did a small dance over the keyboard before he could think of what to type.


I lost my phone, and won't be able to get a new one for now. You can message me on here if you need to contact me.


Adrien leaned back in his chair and sent it to Nino. Then after contemplating for a bit he sent the same email to all of his friends.

He typed out another email and sent it to Nino, asking if he had Marinette's email.

Adrien didn't have to wait long for someone to respond.

Opening the email, he noticed it was from Max.

Oh hey that sucks. By the way have you seen what happened at Alya's house? It's crazy! Here's a link!

Furrowing his eyebrows, Adrien clicked on the attached link. It immediately brought him to a news website.

The heading read:


Adrien's heart skipped a beat, he scrolled down for more information.

After reading the article Adrien was so worried for Alya. Would she be alright? Was Nino with her? Was Marinette with her? Was everyone okay?

Adrien gasped, Marinette had been with Alya! This was surely the work of the man after Marinette!

Adrien got up, full of determination. He was going to get to Alya's house, and nothing was going to stop him.


Marinette groaned, her head was pounding and there was a loud ringing in her ears.

She tried to move her arms, only to quickly come to the realization that they were tied behind her back.

Tied rather uncomfortably actually, her arm felt like it was about to pop out of it's socket.

A quick look down and she noticed she was tied to a chair and her feet were tied to it's legs.

Marinette groaned again and leaned her head back.

Her head hurt so bad, and the ringing was not stopping. Not to mention the small but bright light in the middle of the room was not helping.

"Tikki?" She whispered. "Tikki, where are you?"

She looked for her purse, and came to the conclusion that they had taken it from her.

She could only hope that Tikki had gotten out befo- Her earnings! Had they taken them too?!

Marinette tried to feel her earrings with her shoulder; however she couldn't really tell if they were there or not.

Marinette sighed exasperatedly and slumped back in her chair.

"Hello?" She called out. "Is anyone there?"

There was no response.

She looked around the room. There wasn't much, just plain white walls and a wooden door. There was a small bulb hanging from the middle of the room and that was pretty much all it was for room decor.

"Hello?" She called out again.

This time she was met with the sound of the door unlocking.

It swung, or more like creaked open. On the other side stood a girl about no older than ten years old. Behind her was the same man with the trenchcoat.

"Well well," the girl said. "Looks like you're finally awake."

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