Help | part one

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"Fuck you!" I spat at the man in the mask.

I tried to stall as I kept pulling at the rope that tied my hands together. 

"Tell me who Spider-Man is!" He yells as he punches me in the stomach for the 50th time

"I. Ain't. Telling. You. Shit." I said calmly with a smirk on my face

"So you want to play that game, huh?" The man pulls out a knife and twists it in his hand,"Fine. We can play." 

He throws the knife in the air above him, and as soon as it lands in his hand, he stabs me in the leg with all his strength.

"AHHH MAN FUCK!" I hyperventilate as I watch a heavy flow of blood stream down my leg

He punches me in the face again.

"Now let's try this again. Who the hell is Spider-man?" He says, grabbing the leg that he stabbed and punches the wound.

"shit man I can't tell you," I sob as he continues torturing me

"I won't ask you again. Who the fuck is Spider-Man?" He pulls out a gun and aims it at me

"I am." a figure says as they drop from the ceiling

"man you're about to get so fucked up," I say smiling

"I've had enough of you," the man says as he cocks the gun

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" the figure screams shooting webs at the mans gun and pulls it towards him

Spider-Man lunges towards the masked man and punches him in the face. The man tries to fight back by kicking Spider-Man but is unsuccessful as Peter throws him into a wall. Peter beats him up merciless as Peter continues hitting and kicking him. 

"help," I whimper as I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open. 

I watch Peter turn around and see's him notice the blood dripping down from my face, stomach, and leg.

Peter grabs the man and shoves the man against the wall; sticking him there with his webs. Peter then covers his eyes, ears and his mouth with web fluid as he calls the police. 

"The abandoned warehouse on 80th street." he speaks into the phone while running towards me

He hangs up and throws the phone to the side. After he caught up with me, he started to untie the ropes that bound me to the chair. 

"Hey Pete," I say softly as my eyes begin to shut from dreariness, "I want to sleep. Can I sleep now?"

"no no no no Y/N you have to stay awake. Stay awake for me please!" 

I close my eyes, feel some pressure on my leg, and pass out. 





Don't worry guys there will be a part two.

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