Do You Trust Me?

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Alright this story is longer, but also rushed. Super sorry for the lack of chapters. I just started school, and I'm already knee deep in homework. This chapter seems unfinished, and I'm really sorry about that. Hope you guys enjoyed Labor day! (If you live in America).

Warnings: mild language, super fluff, stress I guess, talk of injuries and blood

word count: 1246

"Oh my god! What happened this time?!" You rushed to your window, when you saw Spider-Man bleeding all over. This was about the fourth time Spider-Man has knocked on your window in the past month. Sometimes, he's bloody and a mess, and other times he's bored and wants company. 

"Some guy tried to steal a girl's purse, and when I thought he ran away, he shot me in the leg." He grunted as he dropped right when you opened the window.

"Oh my god! Okay!! Umm.. sit in this chair! I'll be right back!" You said frantically as you ran into the bathroom across the hall from your room.

"Yeah... okay...." You heard him say slowly when you sprinted back into the room. You dumped the washcloth into the bucket of water, so you can clean his injuries.

"You're going to need to take off the suit," You realized as the injuries were mostly on his chest and stomach.

"Shouldn't you at least take me on a date first," he laughed slightly. You blushed at his words, as he pressed the spider on his chest, his suit releasing, "I'm leaving the mask on though." You blushed profusely when he revealed his athletic body. Thank god the room was dark.

"This is gonna sting," You said as you starting dabbing the disinfectant into a napkin. You watched as he grabbed onto your hand, and scrunched his face as pain shot through his body. 

"Are you sure you don't need help getting home?" You watched as he slid back on his suit. 

"Yeah. I'm fine." He looked at his wrists and prepared his web shooters. He sat on your windowsill, preparing for take off, but turned around. "Thanks for the help. You saved my life." 

"I don't know if I saved you, but you're welcome." You smiled as he adjusted his mask, and shot out at the building across from yours.

"I swear! He was in my room!"

"Uh-huh." Ned crossed his arms, as you rambled on and on about what happened last night. "Just like the last three times?"

"I'm not lying Ned Leeds!" You started to angrily scrunch your face. 

"Okay, fine. If Spider-Man really needed saving, why did he go to your room of all places?" He smirked as you two started walking to the cafeteria.

"Well... I don't know the answer to that, but he was there!"

"What's going on guys?" A voice said behind you two. You turned around and it was your other best friend, Peter Parker. 

"Y/n thinks Spider-Man came into her room again last night, begging for help. " Ned chuckled. You turned to see Peter's reaction. His shoulders tensed, and his jaw clenched. What was wrong with him?

"Well... he didn't beg." You glared at Ned, adjusting the straps on your backpack.

"Well, then what happened?" Peter said through a tight mouth, his teeth still clenched. 

You squinted your eyes at him, examining his weird behavior, "He fell through my window, and was bloody all over. I then helped him out, cleaned his injuries, and then he swung away."

"And you don't believe her?" He pointed at Ned.

"Not. At. All." Ned replied smugly, "do you?" He turned to see Peter's response.

"Nope." He said quietly and walked past you two, gripping on one of his backpack straps. 

"What's his deal today?" You asked Ned who looked confusedly at Peter as well.

"Probably just stressed out from school. It's finals week." He walked towards Peter. Leaving you to stand by yourself.

"Hmm. Maybe." You hummed to yourself. Turning towards the library.

"Hey again."

"FUCK!" You screamed as you looked up from your desk, and saw Spider-Man sitting on your windowsill again.

"Oops. Sorry!" You rested your hand on your chest, to try to calm down your racing heart.

"It's fine" You muttered as you started shutting your school books, and shoving them into your already packed backpack.

"I just wanted to say thank you for last night." He ignored your comment, and climbed into your room, looking at your trophy collection.

"You already said thank you." You stood up from your desk chair, and leaned against your wall, crossing your arms.

"Yeah... but still." He shrugged as he picked up one of your bigger trophies, "First place for the Mathematic Competition of New York? Wow. You must be really smart." 

"I guess so." You shrugged, and blushed a little, "Don't you have crime to fight?" You said looking down at your feet that were crossed. 

"Today was slow." He slid your trophy back into place on your wooden shelf. It got a quiet. Quiet enough for it to be awkward. 

"So, how is your stomach?" You said, interrupting the silence, and walking over to your bed to sit down.

"It's basically gone now. Healing powers are awesome." He walked over to your bed, looking down at the stuffed bear that you got from when you were seven, "Hey, wanna see something?" He perked his head up.

"Like what?" You looked at the window and saw that the sky was forming to be sunset. 

"Do you trust me?" He said holding out his hand to you. You hummed, and nodded softly. He swiftly grabbed your arms, and put them around his neck. Before you knew it, you were on his back and at your window, "Hold on." You pressed your face into the side of his neck, as he started to climb the wall of your apartment building.

"Nice Aladdin reference, by the way." You said softly into his neck.

"You know Disney?" You could hear excitement in his voice. 

"First off, everyone knows Disney. Second, I don't just know Disney, I love it!"

"Me too!" You both finally reached to the top of your building. He lifted you off his back, and into his arms, bridal style. You both sat there for just a second. You staring at his mask, and him staring into your eyes. Eventually, you both walked to the edge of the building, and sat down to watch the sunset. 

You saw from the corner of your eye, him turning his head to look at you. Did you have something on your face? You turned to face him. "You oka-"

"Did you know that you are extraordinarily beautiful?" He interrupted. Your cheeks burned at his sweet words. 

"Oh um- thank you." You stuttered and brushed your hair behind your ear to hide the blushing.

"Sorry. I couldn't hold it in anymore." He turned his head back to the sunset. 

"No-no it's fine. It was sweet." You smiled, also facing back to the sunset. You could hear sirens start blaring from the police cars that were racing down the street. 

"That's my cue." He said with an annoyed tone, as he stood up and dusted himself off. He pulled out his hand, signaling for you to take it and stand up. "It was nice hanging out with you." He kept holding onto your hand.

"You too." You smiled as he hesitantly stepped away from you, and webbed off to save the city.

Holy shit. Did you have a crush on Spider-Man?

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