In Love

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This chapter is super soft, only to distract you from the horrible decision Sony made. (Sorryyyy I'm mad and I want to talk about it) love you guys! enjoy the chapter! <3

Warnings: Suuuuper soft. and adorable. and cute. and just mega fluffy.

428 words

Young love was sweet, regardless of if the couple could say those three words to each other or not. It was sweeter than any candy and more addictive than even the hardest drugs. It was a powerful feeling for such young people to feel, but it was something even adults craved. To feel young and happy. No feeling compared to it, and it only stayed with one person, really. No matter what.

That's what they were feeling right now. They still stumbled and stuttered. They still blushed and laughed nervously, and they were sure it wouldn't change any time soon, if ever. They grew a little more comfortable as the time passed. A little more clingy, just a tad more needy. However, it wasn't annoying.

Peter found himself always wanting to hold her hand, be it in the halls, in class or even just sitting on the train with her. He wanted to hold her hand and pull her close. Wanted to kiss her nose and her cute rosy cheeks.

Such would make her giggle and say, "Peter! People will stare, you baby!"

To which he'd laugh and continue his antics. Sometimes he'd go so far as to kiss her face all over, wrapping an arm around her waist and holding her close. She liked that he did that though, laughing and feeling butterflies fill up her stomach. It was such a him thing. Of course he'd kiss her all over, of course he'd be clingy and sweet.

However, it was something unexpected of her, and for a little while, she feared he might not like it if she did. Though, one day, she simply couldn't help herself, overwhelmed with his sweetness and wanting to return it onto him. She'd peppered his sweet face in little butterfly kisses, laughing and smiling all the while. He fell apart right there, a blushing mess on that couch, giving her the biggest heart eyes he'd ever given her. His face leaned into her hands, happily accepting all the sweet kisses with a dopey smile. His reaction made her release the cutest little giggle, humming out, "You're so dramatic sometimes, Peter. It's only kisses."

"Yeah.. your kisses."

"Oh gosh. Shut up."

"Only if you kiss me."

"Ugh, stop being so adorable.", she puffed, placing a soft kiss upon his lips.

Peter Parker/ Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now