Empire State Building

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"Pete, I love Star Wars. I do. BUT, watching all of them in one sitting is not healthy." Midtown has given all the students a week off, because they finally realized how mentally unstable all of us are after the blip. Especially Peter. Since school has ended, you and Peter haven't left your bed. At. All. (Except for bathroom breaks), and it was driving you insane, "Is there anything you want to do? Besides just sitting here?"

"iii could swing you to France!" He innocently questioned as he looked up at you and laid his head on your stomach. 

"I don't think we can go to France right now." You laughed at his pureness, stroking his messy hair. 

"Wait! What if we sat on top of the Empire State Building!" He immediately sat up from excitement. You haven't seen him this happy in months, and you wanted it to last as long as possible.

"We could do that." You smiled at him. He rushed around to put on his suit. 

As he was putting on his mask, he grabbed your waist and flew out the window, with you on his side.

"I DIDN'T THINK YOU WERE SERIOUS!" You yelled over the slight wind. Well, you were where he said he would take you. Thank god, the air was today, so there was only a little breeze.

"Serious as a heart attack." He smiled at you, standing confidently, knowing he was too sticky to fall. You on the other hand, were holding onto one of the pillars for dear life, "This is so fun!"

"I THINK YOUR VERSION OF FUN, AND MY VERSION ARE VERY DIFFERENT!" You watched as little pieces of rock fall from your stumbling feet.

"Alright now for the exciting part." He rubbed his hands together like an evil villain. 

"Excuse me- what now?" You watched as he glided over to you and check his web shooters. 

He took off his mask and cupped your cheeks. He pressed his lips onto yours aggressively. You kissed him back just as hard, confused as to why this was happening.

"What was that for?" You stammered as you tried to catch your breath.

"Because I know that you're going to hate me after this." He slid back on his mask and looked down at the city, as he pulled you into your side.

"After what?" You asked still dazed from that powerful kiss. 

"HOOOLY SHIIIT!!! PETERRRRRR!! AAHHHHHHHHHHH!" You screamed for dear life as Peter jumps over the edge. With him holding onto you.

"WOOOO!" He yelled with excitement as you two were hurdling to the ground.

"Never do that EVER again, Peter Benjamin Parker." You said angrily as you tried to tame the beast that was your hair. 

He didn't respond, as he was shoving his suit in his bag, because he just changed in the usual alleyway. 

"You were right when you said I was going to hate you after this." You murmured as he stayed silent, slipping his hand in yours. 

He bought you some chocolates to forgive him, and it hesitantly worked. 

Peter Parker/ Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now