After the Snap

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Alright mateys, this chapter is super sad. I'm sorry. And it's really short. Sorry again. Well, I hope you enjoy! There may be a kind of a part two!

Warnings: Angst, mention of death, crying

"Hello?" You yelled as you woke up on the ground of your house. You stood up and looked around. There was dust, and trash everywhere. As if nobody was home in the last few years. 

"Mom? Dad?" You called out once more, dusting yourself off. But no one responded. You checked outside the window, and saw your parents wake up in the car. Why were they asleep in the car? And why were you on the floor?

The ground was filthy outside, with ripped open garbage bags, and cars that were parked down the middle of the road. You slowly saw more and more people just appear in the streets. What was happened? Just a second ago, you were walking towards your TV to see if there were any updates on your boyfriend Peter, as he was in space. 

You grabbed the remote from the couch and switched on the TV. 

"This is it folks, people are reappearing from the blip! These long five years have been tough without our dear friends and family, but now they are coming back! The Avengers have saved us once again by re-snapping Thanos's fingers! Th-" You paused the TV as you stepped back. Five years? Thanos? You were so confused. 

You ran to find your phone to try and call Peter. The Avengers saved you? Was he okay? You saw it on your bed and immediately tried to turn it on, it was dead so you plugged it in. 

Once it was charged enough that you could turn it on, you pressed the memorized numbers, and waited for a response. It rang and rang, and never got answered. You called three more times, without a response, and you were frightened. You searched news articles while your parents walked inside, both very confused as well. 

After finding out the entire story from your classmates that didn't blip, your phone started to ring. You scrambled to get it from your desk, as you knew that it was Peter.

"Hello?" You said rushed into the phone

"Y/N? Are you alright?" He questioned, with his voice cracking, "I'm on my way to you. Something very bad happened." He whimpered and you knew that he was crying.

"Are you okay?" You said softly, not wanting him to give him more stress.

"I- I'll just see you at your house in 5," he sniffled and then hung up. You quickly got up and threw a bunch of pillows and blankets on top of your bed, knowing that he probably wanted some cuddles and affection. You changed into your comfiest clothes, and unlocked your window. You were putting on some chapstick when you heard a knock, and you basically ran to your window to open it. 

He jumped through the window and pulled you into tight hug, making it hard to breathe. You hugged him back and heard some soft sobs from him. You both walked to one of you chairs where he sat down, and pulled off his mask. 

"Oh, honey." You pouted as you saw all his cuts and bruises. His eyes were incredibly puffy, and you could see tear streaks that shined through the dirt on his face. You stroked his cheek as he leaned into it and cried harder, "I'll get my supplies." 

You quickly ran to your bathroom and grabbed the nearest first aid kit, and a wet washcloth. When you got back to him, you wiped his face softly with the water, and tried to clean all the dirt and blood off. Once you were finished, you kissed him on the forehead and hugged him. You suddenly felt him standing and bending over to pick you up. 

He laid you down in your bed, and slid right next to you. You wrapped your arms around his chest, as his around your back, and rested your head on his chest. 

"I- I just wasn't th- there in time, a-and I could've saved him but I- I was too late, a-and-" He cried  as he pulled you closer to him. You slowly shushed him as he was slightly hyperventilating, "He died y/n. He died." 

"Who did?" You looked up at him as you saw him flinch at your words. 

"Mr. Stark," He cried out harder. You let out a shocked expression. You knew Tony. You met him right after you found out about Peter being Spider-Man, and you loved him. You used to always go down to the tower during the after mass of battles, to talk it out with him when Pepper couldn't. 

You felt guilty to cry, but you did. Not as hard as Peter, but just enough. After holding onto each other for a little bit, you decided to turn on a movie to distract yourselves. Like that would work. You changed positions, so he was laying on your chest. You kissed his head, and slowly played with his hair knowing that it would comfort him. 

School was hard for him, and even though he said he was okay, you knew it wasn't. He would just freak out at random times during the day. Like if you questioned him on something, he would spaz out and grasp his head in his hands, and it made you worry. You felt guilty not being able to help him at all. Every favor, big or small, he would ask of you, you would do it in a heart beat. You hoped daily that there would be at least one moment where he would wear a smile. Of course he was still your Peter, but you could tell something had changed, and you understood it. He lost everything these past two years, and that can really traumatize a kid. 

Slowly, over time you both had to move on. At least a little bit. Everything was still different without the man who started everything, but you had to get your life kind of back to normal. Everyday after school, Peter would go to your house after his neighborhood check-ins and you'd both cuddle to a movie. Peter only wanted attention, and love right now, and that was a thing you could provide.

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