Spiderspawn | Part 4

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"Does any of your closet belong to you anymore?" Spiderman laughed at you as your rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest which displays a sweatshirt with the Death Star from Star Wars. A sweatshirt that you most certainly didn't own.

"Oh, shut up." 

"But, really, how can someone's clothes be so comfortable that they're all you will only wear?"

You furrowed your brow, "Do you seriously still think that's why I wear his clothes?"

Spiderman frowned, not sure where this was headed. 

"Spidey, I just said that so you'd get off my case. I don't actually wear them because he uses better detergent or something..."

"Then, why do you wear them?"

You looked at him for a moment. Were you seriously not glaringly obvious?!

"Because I like him."

He furrowed his brow "Well, you like Liz, and Michelle, and me, but you don't-"

"No, no, dude," you laughed, putting a hand on his arm to stop him, "I like him."

Spiderman didn't respond for a moment. And then for two moments. Then three. 

"What?" he asked suddenly.

"Was that not clear?" You chuckled, "All of the rest of my friends can spot my crush from miles away, I'm surprised it took you so long for you to catch onto it."

"That's, well, thats-" Spiderman shook his head, attempting to figure our what to say, "That's great, y/n. That's really great. Um, will you excuse me, though? I just remembered I had a thing that I was supposed to be at right now. Uh, I'll talk to you later though? Yeah?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Great, bye!" He zipped off your fire escape and into the night.

You frowned. What the hell??

Why did he always get so freaked out whenever you brought up a boy? He never freaking out when you talked about Liz or Michelle. 

Oh shit what if he's jealous of Peter?

You shooed that thought away. No way. Theres no way freaking Spiderman would like a regular citizen like you. Nor was there any way Peter Parker would like someone like you either. You were just imagining things.

You nuzzled deeper into Peter's sweatshirt and climbed back into your room, deciding to just forget about the superhero's odd actions.


"Oh, wait, Peter," you called after the boy as he began walking back down the sidewalk to his own apartment. You unzipped the hoodie he lent you when it started to rain ten minutes ago. "You forgot your hoodie!" you told him, tugging it off of you.

But he only smiled and shrugged at you, "Eh, why don't you just keep it for the night? It's all wet anyway, you can put it in the laundry and give it back to me Monday at school. 

You smiled, "Oh, alright. Sounds like a plan."

He gave you one more smile before turning around and continuing back home through the rain. 

Your grinned once he was out of sight and almost bounded up to your bedroom with happiness. The hoodie had lost some of his scent in the rain, but the smell of rain now reminded you of how you two had ran around and played on your walk home- and that was even better.

You closed your bedroom door behind you and leaned against it, sliding your hands into your pockets with content. 

Your bliss was short lived however, as it was replaced with curiosity when your right hand touched something in the pocket. 

You slipped it out, and saw a small yellow paper folded up. 

Ah, it was probably one of Peter's Post-it's from English class, you thought to yourself as you opened it. That boy needs to learn how to use a trash-

You froze as you looked at the message. You blinked. You shook your head. You flipped it to the backside. No way. This couldn't be real. 

y/n, will you go out with me

W h a t. You turned back to the door. Had he seriously...

You looked back down at the message. This couldn't be happening. Since when did Peter even like you back?!?! Let alone be ready to ask you out!!

You put your hand on the doorknob to go flag Peter down and ask him to explain, but a knocking at your window stopped you. 

You bit your lip, not wanting to let Peter go, but also not wanting to just ignore Spiderman.

You flipped around ready to explain the situation to Spiderman, but instead found Peter, smiling meekly as he gave you a little wave from the fire escape.

It took everything in you to not completely spring to the window.

You quickly latched it open and climbed through, "Did you mean it?" You held up the post-it 

"Why wouldn't I mean it?"

"Well, I wasn't really expecting a surprise like this," you laughed slightly.

"But was it a good surprise?" He asked hesitantly.

You smiled and put your hand on his cheek leaning in, "I don't know yet. You tell me." 

You waited one more moment before leaning forward and closing the distance. 

HIs arms slipped around your waist and pulled you closer against him, and you had to resist making a noise at how wonderful it felt to be this close to him.

Having his clothes was one thing, but having him truly there himself was infinitely better.

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