I've missed you | Tom Imagine

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"Hi y/n! Aren't you so excited!" Paddy exclaims as you greet him at the Holland's front doorway

"You bet I am!"

Tom was coming home tonight from America after finishing shooting Endgame. It was around 3 AM so you were all exhausted. Dom, Sam, and Harry went to go pick him up and you were head over heels excited. You haven't seen him in four months. And that was far too long. 

"Coffee?" Nikki asked holding two white mugs

"Please!" you grabbed it, and chugged that mother fucker down

"Woah there!" Nikki laughed watching coffee spill from your mouth

"Sorry! I'm just a bit nervous..." you whispered 

"I am too," she whispered back, smiling

"They're pulling up at the driveway!" Paddy yelled running to the front door

Tessa got up too, chasing Paddy. You stood slightly behind Nikki because you didn't want him giving all of his attention to you right away. You wanted him to see his family first, and not have him worry about you until later. 

You heard the car door shut and butterflies got released into your stomach. You just wanted to cuddle him all night long, but you knew he was going to be mega jet lagged, and incredibly tired.

The door opened and Dom stepped through. You could see Paddy trying to look for Tom through him. Then Harry. 

"Did you miss me?" Harry played with Paddy

"Not funny Harry!" Paddy said annoyed with his older brother

Then Sam. 

"What? Were we supposed to get someone else?" Dom asked messing with the poor kid

And in came Tom. You could barely see him as Nikki and Paddy basically trampled him with excitement. 

"Pads!!" Tom yelled excitedly picking him up

They hugged for a second until he set him down.

"Hey honey!" Nikki said beaming 

"Hey mum!" He hugged her tightly 

Harry and Sam took his luggage upstairs while Tom looked like he was looking for something. But then he spotted you. He grinned wider than you've ever seen him smile. He ran at you while you giggled and picked you up and span you in the air. You wrapped your arms around his neck while he set you down and you two hugged for what seemed like a century. 

"I love you so much," he said into your hair

"I love you more," you said feeling a little teared up as you missed him so much

You two didn't want to let go of each other ever again. He rested his hands on your cheeks and kissed you on the lips. You kissed him back for a minute until you came back to reality and noticed that Paddy, Nikki, and Dom were still in the room.

"Okay darling you need to go to sleep," you said to Tom. Resting your hands on his chest

"But I don't want tooo!" he pouted while he pulled you in a hug

"You've been up for more than 24 hours babe," you spoke into his neck

"ughhh I'll go to bed only if you come with me," he said quietly while he played with your hair

"Anything to make you sleep," you pulled apart and turned to face Dom and Nikki

He hugged them each one more time while you stood on the first step waiting for him. He then started to walk towards you and grabbed your hand. When you reached the top of the stairs, you saw Harry and Sam waiting by his room's entryway.

"Make sure to use protection," Sam snickered while Harry and him left to their own rooms.

You blushed slightly as you grabbed one of Tom's sweatshirts from his closet and slid it on. Tom took off his shirt and changed into Pajama pants, while you slid into bed. When he was done, he wrapped his arms around you and rested your back to his chest. You played with his hands until he started to kiss down your neck.

"Tom! No! You have to go to sleep!" you said turning to face him

"But I've really missed youuu!" He said trying to kiss your neck again

"We can do that all tomorrow when your fully rested up." you said laying your head on his chest

Suddenly, the door opened slowly and you could see Paddy slightly covering his eyes. 

"You were wrong Harry!" he yelled and then closed the door

You blushed again and Tom chuckled as you both started to close your eyes.

 You fell asleep to his soft breathing and you felt safe back in his arms. 

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