Spiderspawn | Part 2

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"Oh!" You exclaimed, stopping Peter before he walked out the door. You grabbed the Star Wars shirt that was sitting on top of your dresser, "I just remembered! You forgot this here a couple weeks ago." 

Peter gave it a bizarre smile before looking back up at you, "Thanks! I totally forgot about it..."

"Yeah, no problem! I was just doing laundry the other day and caught that in the mix. Figured you might want it back." More like you worn it to bed every night until you had completely lost the smell... "It's clean from being in my laundry, but be warned, it probably smells like me now so you might want to wash it again." Again, you had washed it, but considering the amount of times you'd worn it and how its been staying in your room for a couple weeks, it very much smells like your perfume now.

"Thanks so much," he grinned anyway.

"Yeah, no problem. See you tomorrow?" 

"See ya," he smiled back, in that weird way he'd been smiling recently. Like he knew something you didn't.

You closed the door, thinking. 

Maybe he was going to surprise you with some gift. Yeah, that must be it. Your birthday was next month.

Ooh, Ned and him were probably coming up with a really great present...

You smiled, before sighing and heading back to your room. 

You cleaned up a few of the snack wrappers the two of you had left during your study session, before your eye caught a blue sweater.

"You're kidding," You said to yourself twisting your lips upward into a massive grin.

You knelt down next to the sweater and held it up in front of you.

Yup. Peter's signature blue sweater.

You bit your lip to hold back your excitement as you slipped your own sweatshirt off and slid on his.

You nuzzled your nose deep into the fabric and smelled. God. How the hell did Peter smell so GOOD?!

You turned to the mirror attached to the wall to get a look. You smiled at how big the sweater was on you.

You ran a hand through your hair moving your head around to look at different angles. 

If you may say so yourself, you looked adorable. If only Peter and you were dating... you could steal his clothes all the time...

Peter Parker/ Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now