Spiderspawn | Part 5

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"Spiderspawn!" You practically screeched as you launched your window open, "Oh my god, I haven't seen you in forever! So much has happened! Look!" you motioned down to the blue sweater and the fluffy socks you'd borrowed from Peter, "I'm wearing his clothes and this time it's with his knowledge!" You laughed

"y/n, I have something to tell you..."

You blinked, all your excitement washing away. Panic rose in your stomach. What if he was about to tell you he liked you? What if your jealousy suspicions had been right? Oh, god, you were finally in a happy relationship with your dream crush and now you might have to turn down your other dream crush? Why was everything always so complicated!

"shoot." you said anyway

"Here, come on out," he motioned 

You sighed and made your way through the window frame, then sat down next to him, kicking your legs off the edge of the fire escape through the railing.

"There's something I've been hiding from you. I don't know how to tell it to you, but you need to know."


"y/n, I think that-"

"Ihaveaboyfriend!" you blurted, suddenly, unable to wait anymore. You cringed at your lack of subtlety. But you didn't think you'd be able to listen to him confess any feelings without it becoming a giant mess.

Yet instead of being upset, he laughed. "Yeah I know," he replied, and your eyes widened as he reached up and tugged at his mask, "Because it's me."

Your jaw dropped as he removed off the top of his suit to reveal the all-too-familar swooping dark hair and dimples. 


"Hey, babe," he gave a weak, unsure smile, awaiting your response.

"Oh my god, Peter!" You suffocated him with a hug, "Are you kidding?! How is that possible! How are you-" you froze and tore away from him with a gasp, "You little shit, you've been playing me this whole time! You knew I was wearing your clothes!"

"Guilty?" He smiled smally

You punched him playfully in the shoulder, "Are you kidding! That's so- Wait a second... were you purposely forgetting your clothes at my house this whole time?"

He chuckled, "Well, not the first time. But from then on... perhaps..." he laughed again at your shocked expression, "I'm sorry, you just looked really freaking cute wearing my clothes! Is that so wrong of me to want to see a pretty girl trying on my clothes in her mirror for fun?"

You groaned with embarrassment, "Oh, shit, I forgot you saw that too." 

"Mhmm," he grinned smugly, "Best moment ever."

"I hate you so much." 

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do!"

"You sure about that?"

"Fine, I don't." 

He smirked at you, "If it makes you feel any better, after you would give me the clothes back, I kept them under my pillow because they smelled like you."

"Really?" You asked, touched.

"Mhmm," he smiled lazily

You looked over at him with pure happiness, and closed your eyes as he leaned in and gave you a dizzying kiss. Simply one of many to come.





So sorry guys for making that story in so many parts. We'll keep it shorter next time! Hope you enjoyed!

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