The Beach

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"We're here!" Peter said excitedly as he unbuckled his seatbelt. 

You beamed at him, and stepped out of the car. You stretched your back and started to help unload stuff from the trunk with Peter. 

You laid a beach towel down and then ripped off your shirt because holy fuck New York gets hot. You had a new swimsuit on that Peter hadn't seen before and all day you were excited to show him, because of one reason. His face. 

No not his normal adorable face. His face when he sees something sexy on you. 

His brown eyes widen, his mouth opens a little bit, and his nose flares. It's one of your favorite things that he does. 

Your swimsuit was black and was strappy. When you turned to look at him, he was frozen. And he made the face. Ugh you were so happy. You watched his eyes trace every curve of your body. You turned away and blushed a little until you felt two hands on your waist. It was Peter. He picked you up over his shoulder and started running to the water. 

You screamed and giggled until you both were waist high into the water and he tipped you back making you splash. 

"You asshole!" You laughed at him when you came to the surface

He laughed loudly while you walked closely near him. You looked down and stroked his abs and chest muscles and saw him bite his lip. You held his neck with one arm and got real close to his face, staring at his lips. 

"payback," you whispered into his ear and pushed him with all your might into the ocean

He fell right in. You laughed until he came up to the surface, grabbed your legs, and pulled you from under. 

When you both came to the surface, and calmed down, you wrapped your legs around his hips as you slowly went deeper into the ocean. You clinged your arms to his neck as he put his hands on your waist. 

"you're a jerk," you smiled

He smiled back and then rested his forehead on yours.  

Peter Parker/ Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now