I'd Rather Help You | Part 4

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So I started writing this chapter at around 11pm, and I didn't stop until it was about 3am, so I really hope you guys like this chapter. Because it was so long, I was about to split it up into another part, but I hate having so many chapters, so here we are. Follow us on instagram: @tomlovesy/n 

Warnings: Language, rape mention, sex trafficking mention, just men being scary (like usual).

Word count: 3,215

"No, no, no, no, no," You brought your hands up to your head, and grasped it roughly, "Why can't you just leave me alone," You choked back a sob. Why was it always him? He was always fucking there. Always getting on your last nerve.

"Y/n, please. Just let me explain myself." Tears started to roll down your cheek. One by one. You wish you could say that they fell gracefully, but no. 

"Fuck, Peter. It's always fucking you. Please just leave me alone." You dropped your head down weakly. You couldn't take anymore heartbreaks. This boy hurt you way too many times. 

"Y/n, please-" He brought up one of his fingers and put it under your chin, trying to perk your head up. 

"Get the fuck away from me!" You shouted, suddenly getting a little burst of energy. You pushed him into the wall, and started walking backwards. He followed each of your steps, and you put your hands up to try and keep him away. 

You kept backing up until your tripped on your feet, and fell on your butt. You quickly retaliated though, and brought your hands to the ground. You started push your legs off the ground, trying to scootch away from him faster. He went into a crawling position, and continued moving towards you faster, "Peter, you're scaring me!" You whimpered, as you backed up into the wall. Once he heard what you said, he immediately stopped moving. 

You put your hands up to protect your face, as if he was going to hit it. You knew he would never do that, but then again you used to think he would never break your heart. 

"Y/n-" He started to reach out to you to bring your hands away from your face, but instead you flinched. He immediately stopped his hand, and brought it back to his body. He scooted backwards once, giving you a little space. 

"Just leave, Peter." You whispered weakly, as you brought your hands down.

"Not until you hear what I have to say." He whispered back. He put himself into a criss-cross position. 

"Don't you see that you're scaring me, Peter? Don't you see that the damage is done? I don't care about your side of the story. I would never ever take you back, let alone even speak to you after you leave my apartment." Tears continued to roll down your cheeks, and his face flinched back a little bit. 

"Fine. You don't have to listen, but I'm explaining myself." Tears started to slide down his perfect face. "About a week before the break up, I was talking to Tony Stark-"

"PETER! I don't want to listen to this, please leave!" You shouted, but he pressed on.

"And while I was talking to him, my phone buzzed. I remember the exact message-"

"Stop, Pete!" You started to sob loudly, and brought your hands up to your head, You've been through enough traumatic shit with this guy, to be reminded about the fucking breakup.

"It was actually a message from you," He laughed lightly, and wiped his face from the on-going tears, "It said, 'wanna watch Star Wars tonight? I miss your Java the hut impression.' And then you added a little heart emoji. If it wasn't for that stupid heart emoji, I probably never would've had to break up with you." He stared deep into your eyes, and you slowly slid your hands down from your ears. You remembered that text. He never came to your apartment that night. 

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