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This is super duper short, but super duper cute. It's only been 6 weeks since school started, but I've had 3 papers, 6 tests, 2 projects, and like 158905 quizzes. I'm not doing okay. Well, I hope you enjoy the chapter! This took me a bit. See you next week!

Warnings: Language, talking about throwing up, sicknesses, super soft. 

Word count: 618

"ughhhhh." You groan into the phone call you picked up, knowing it was Peter.

"That bad?" He questioned sympathetically. You picked up another tissue from the already empty Kleenex box that you just opened an hour ago. You blew as hard as you could into the tissue, making the grossest sounds, "Yeah... it's that bad." 

"I'm dying." You whispered dramatically, hearing him chuckle on the other end. 

"Well I'm on my way now. Can you stay alive for about two minutes more?" 

"I'll try." 

"Thank you. See you soon!" 


Wow. If only you saw yourself in a mirror. Whew! You were miserable. Your nose was runny and incredibly stuffy, your stomach ached from throwing up several times, your throat was aching, and you had the chills. Wow, you really got the whole package. 

It was an hour later when you woke up from a knock on your window. You stretched your arms, and saw Peter in his mask peeking through your curtains. You held up a finger, signaling for him to wait a second, and scratched your head while walking to your window. 

"What happened to 'I'll be there in two minutes'?" You pouted as you opened your window, letting him in.

"Sorry. A stupid teenager tried to steal a car, and I had to stop him." He dropped down in front of you, and slipped off his mask.

"It's okay." You lazily smiled as he wrapped both of his arms around your waist, and rubbed the tip of your noses together eskimo-kiss-style. "I only threw up once, so you didn't miss much."

He kissed your forehead until you realized and lazily tried to push him away. "I'm gonna get you sick." 

"Don't worry about me. I can't really get sick with these spider powers." You felt too tired to stand so you lifted your arms up to his neck, and did a little hop to signal that you wanted to get picked up. He rolled his eyes, and did as you said. "Did you know that you look so cute sick?" He snuggled his face into the crook of your neck while you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Shut up." You sniffled and closed your eyes. 

"You love me."

"Uh-huh. Sure." 

"Say it."

"I'm too sick to say it." 


"Fine. I love you." 

"I love you too." He started to walk towards the bed and laid down with you still holding on to him. You shifted your body so you were laying on top of him, and rested your head on his collarbones. He started to play with your hair, and twisted it in his fingers. "Goodnight." He whispered softly, and kissed the top of your head. You were already asleep before you could respond.

You woke up a couple hours later to see Peter sleeping under you, and you softly smiled. His hair was all messy, and super cute. Could you just stay like this forever? Eventually, you rolled off of him, careful as to not wake him up, and tied your hair up. When you turned back around towards him, you could see his eyes slowly opening, meaning he was waking up. You slowly laid next to him and softly kissed his shoulder. 

"Morning." He groggily spoke, sniffling as he does so.

"Morning." He smiled down at you and laid a kiss on your lips.


"You okay?"

"I think you got me sick."

Peter Parker/ Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now