I'd Rather Help You | Part 2

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Sorry for not updating recently- I'll update more consistently now!

word count: 1108

"Peter is staring at you again," Cindy scoffed.

"You have got to be kidding me." You groaned. 

Ever since you and Spider-Man started to become friends, Peter has started staring at you. Some days he would only stare at you for one class, and then the next day he would stare at you all the time. It was strongly getting on your nerves. Why break up with you if he's just going to be staring at you all the time?

"God, he is just so annoying." Your best friend said after chewing on an apple

"Wanna know what? I've had it." You stood up and brushed off your clothes before starting to walk over to Peter's table.

"Sorry wha-" You heard Cindy choke as you continued walking. Peter stared at you as he realized you were coming, and suddenly looked very nervous.

"She's coming," you could hear Peter murmur to his friend, Ned, who turned around to look.

"Can you stop staring at me you creep? God are you a pervert or something?" You crossed your arms. You didn't mean to be so harsh, but you knew it was the only way Peter would listen.

"You know I'm not." He muttered looking down at his food instead of you.

"You're not what? A creep or a pervert?" You scoffed. You've taken it too far, and you started to regret even coming over here. 

"Uh-um I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He looked back up at you and gave you a hurt expression. How could he gave you a sad look when he was the one who broke you?

"Next time you stare at me, I swear to god I'll hurt you." You didn't mean it, you just wanted to scare him. You started to turn around and walk back to back to your table until he added,

"Yeah, right." He coughed out a laugh.

All of your built up anger and sadness started to pour out. You didn't even realize what you did until it was done. You punched Peter Parker's face. Yeah, you heard me right. Ya know, your ex boyfriend/best friend. You fucking punched his face. 

You saw people start to stare at you, and you looked down at Peter who had a mix of hurt and shock on his face. He pressed his hand to his cheek and let out a small yelp. Embarrassment started to fill you up so you ran out of the cafeteria. 

Holding your hand close to your chest because it hurt so bad due to the sudden impact, you heard footsteps behind you. Nervous that it was going to be Peter, you slowly started to turn around. Relief washed over you when you realized it was Cindy.

"Y/n, what the hell was that?" She said while running to catch up with you.

"I have no idea. I just couldn't control myself." You stared at your hand, still feeling all of the adrenaline. 

"Well, the whole school now thinks you're a crazy badass." You stared up at her, she was crossing her arms, wearing a smirk on her lips.

"Wait. You aren't mad at me?" You smiled.

"Hell no! I mean, the school might be, but I'm certainly not. He deserved it after treating you so horribly!" She laughed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. She started to walk out of the school with you, "How do you feel right now?"

"I feel like I could lift a car!" You laughed.

"Hey." You looked up seeing your spidey-friend landing right next to you.

"Hi," You were focusing on your math homework, and didn't want to be interrupted, but you knew Spidey wouldn't go away. 

"What happened?" He was looking down at your hand. You had a huge white bandage around it. You think you sprained it, but you were in too much trouble with your mom for her to take you to the hospital.

"It's kind of a long story," you smiled

"I have time." 

"Don't you have to go fight crime or something?" 

"Stop trying to change the subject, tell me." He pressed on, sitting down next to you.

"Fine. Well, you know my ex-boyfriend, Peter?" You looked up at him.

"Yeah?" He tilted his head out of curiosity.

"He kept staring at me, and I got really annoyed, so I walked up to him and asked him to stop. He then said a snarky comment, so I swung at him."

"You punched him??" He asked eyes widening

"Yeah." You smiled of amusement.

"Wow. He definitely deserved it." He looked down at the ground, his mood suddenly darkening.

This happened quite often. One second he'd be super goofy, and funny, but then the next he would be quiet and isolated. He usually went dark whenever Peter was brought up. You didn't know why he acted like this. Spider-man told you he knew Peter because of Peter's Stark Internship, but he also told you they only spoke once, and weren't friends. 

"You okay?" You questioned, hoping his mood would go away quickly. 

"I just can't believe that Peter hurt you like that. You're literally so perfect, and he treated you like a complete asshole." He brought his knees up to his chest, and wrapped his arms around them. 

"Yeah, I guess so." You blushed at his compliment, looking at the skyline.

"Do you hate him?" You looked up at him.

You didn't know what to say so you took a minute to process his question, "I don't think I could ever hate him. I mean, him leaving me like that was really jerky and I'm angry at him for it, but I don't hate him. He was a really good boyfriend, up until the end." You looked back up at Spider-Man. Even though you couldn't see his face, his eyes made him seem hopeful? You ignored it though. Maybe you were reading him wrong. 

"Do you love him?" He asked quietly. 

"I don't know. I mean it's been months since we were last together. Like I said before, I don't think I've ever truly been in love, but maybe I only said that because I was still grieving over the loss of him."

It was silent for a minute. You looked back down to your homework, and even wrote some things down. It was so quiet, you thought he left, until you looked up and he was staring right at you. Suddenly, his watch started to beep, and he stood up. He didn't say a word when he swung away, and you were kind of surprised. Even if he was in one of his moods, he would always say a goodbye. 

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