Maizie | Part 2

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I will try to not make this a super long series, but sometimes I can't help it... I'll try to post more, but soon I'm going to be doing another sport that will be taking up a lot of my time. I hope you guys like this series! I'm really trying to focus all my free time onto it so I won't leave big cliffhangers for too long. This chapter is mostly just an introduction, but next chapter I will be going more into depth, and will be making it more fluffy. See you next time!!

Warnings: Lannnnnguageeeee

Word Count: 984

...he was staring right at you. 

"Shit." You muttered as you tried to get up and leave as soon as possible.

"Who are you?" The boy said while running up to the window to see who you were, "Are you a villain?" What a stupid question. No. I'm some nice, and innocent, person who's stalking you. This guy was going to be easy to defeat. 

You jumped down from his fire escape and sprinted off before he could say another word. Boss was going to be so pissed. But who said he had to know? You knew you couldn't face him because you might spill that the person you were supposed to kill has seen half of your face (Thank god for the glasses) and might recognize you, so you snuck into "Headquarters" (Which was really a normal house so police or the Avengers won't be suspicious of it) and into your room. 

You leaned against your rooms door, and slide down as you grasped the side of your head, scrunching up your hair. Tears started brimming your eyes, and you were ready for the mental breakdown that was on its way. How could you let that happen. You've never have let your target seen you. It was always just a shot of a gun, and you were done. Why did you have to get so close?

After breaking down for about an hour, you started to asses the things you saw in his little apartment. From what you could see through with his X-ray glasses, he was Spider-man (duh), he only lived with what seemed like a mother type or a sister? She was quite young. Next, he was also quite young, and your boss said he went to high school, but he didn't seem like a senior so maybe a sophomore or junior? And he didn't have any pets, which was good so you didn't have to feel guilty for killing him. You nodded your head once and moved to your bed to relax a little bit. 

You stared at the backpack that was mocking you from across the room, "What you staring at?" You couldn't believe you had to go to school. You have to kill this guy that was decently attractive, and go to school? Fucking bullshit. You curled up into your covers without taking off the rest of your suit, and went to bed. 

"Make me proud." Your boss said to you while you were exiting the car he drove you in.

"Always will." You gave a fake smile, and walked into the school

You found your locker right away, as it wasn't too far from the entrance, and started shoving the books your boss bought for you to get through this quarter without getting suspicious. "Shit." You muttered as you realized that you had no idea where any of the classes are. You desperately looked around for another student that could help you out. Luckily, there was a student walking by that seemed useful. "Hey, do you know where room 189 is?" You asked them as they walked right past you.


"Excuse me? Can you help me?" They didn't say anything, and just kept walking. "Fucking rude." You muttered as you saw them walk into a classroom. 

"I can help you!" A boy said with a strangely familiar voice from across the hall. You turned around, and surely it was your target. 

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." You muttered as you watched him jog up to you, holding on to his backpack straps. "Thank you!" You said out loud so he can hear you. 

"Its no problem. Here, can I see your schedule?" You paused in shock for a minute. Did he recognize you? 

"Oh-um yeah. Here!" You stuttered as you handed your schedule to the boy with his hand out. 

Peter had no idea where this courage came from. He was just walking to Spanish class, saw the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, and now here he is. Talking to her. 

"Oh this isn't far at all. It's just down the hall and to the right." He looked down at his watch to see if he had enough time, "I can walk you. If-if that's okay of course!!" He stuttered as he watched run your fingers through your hair. 

"That would be wonderful." You beamed at him. You were supposed to familiar yourself with the target, and this boy is making it way too easy. 

"I'm Peter. Peter Parker." He held his hand out to you, signaling for you to shake it. 

"I'm Y/n Y/l/n." You shook his hand, and felt a weird shock that went through your hand. You looked up at him, and he must've felt it too because he raised an eyebrow at it.

"It's nice to meet you Y/n." He started to walk beside you as you moved to your next class.

"It's nice to meet you to Peter."

You both easily flowed into conversation about Star Wars on your way to your class room, when you started to feel iffy. Were you supposed to be getting this close to him? You've never had to deal with a mission like this before. Well, it's nice to talk to him so you'll continue, but you'll keep your distance. 

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