Part 6

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The bar was blasting music, bodies dancing around on the crowded dance floor, vivid lights replenishing the building with dark purple and reds. Melanie struggles against the crowds, alone. Anna wondered off with two of the roadies, yet said she'll see Melanie later, but Melanie knows that means tomorrow morning.

Melanie tries to find familiar faces as she walks blindly around less crowded places in the club. She accidentally bumps into a lady, causing a drink in the lady's hand to spill. The lady turns to her in anger and offense. Melanie looks at her in horror, eyes full of sorrow.

     "I am so sorry, I didn't mean-"

     "Who do you think you are?"

     "Excuse me?"

     "You bumped into me, causing me to spill my drink, you clueless little bitch!" The woman screams, making a scene, earning a couple of stares.

     "Listen, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean too, let me get you another drink!" Melanie mutters, trying to brush away the insult. But really, it took a hit in her.

     "I'll sue you, you ruined my dress! I'm going to kick out of this bar, oh my god!"

     "I'd like to see you fucking try," Melanie says to the lady, soon to realize what she said was a bit weird for her.

"How dare you talk to me like that! You bumped into me!"

"It was an accident, Miss! I didn't mean to bump into you!"

     Melanie feels an arm on her shoulder, she turns to see Roger. He's glaring at the girl. "Love, is this bitch bothering you?" Roger asks, wrapping his arm around Melanie's shoulders, pulling her into him. The lady went wide-eyed, recognizing the famed drummer. She looked away immediately quickly moving away from them.

"Thank you, Roger, you didn't have-"

"Are you okay, love?" Roger asks, taking Melanie's hand.

"Oh, yes, I am. I didn't mean to bump into her Roger, it was an accident, I really-"

"You don't have to explain yourself, let's get out of here, okay?" The drummer states, earning a nod from Melanie. "You have everything?" Melanie nods again.

"Thank you again, Roger," Melanie stated shyly, Roger's hand squeezes hers.

"Come on, love," Roger leads her to Brian, John, and Freddie, explaining to them that he is taking her back to the room before walking Melanie out. The boys say their goodbyes.


"Are you doing alright?" Roger asks.

"Yes, thank you," Melanie tells him, walking up to her hotel room. "Thanks for walking me to my room, you didn't have too," she states, turning to the door, but sighs, seeing a note taped to the door.

"Love, don't wor- I'm guessing Anna left you a note to keep out," Roger laughs. Melanie laughs lightly, shyly turning to him. "Come with me, you can spend the night in my room," He says, leading Melanie to one of the last rooms down the hall.

"Are you sure? I don't want to impose!" Melanie states.

"No, Melanie, this is the least I can do, now get on the room," Roger demands, opening the door for her. Melanie hesitantly walks into the fairly large, beautiful hotel room, much better than hers. "Make yourself comfortable, I can get you some clothes to sleep in. I also have champagne, so help yourself," Roger says, stumbling into the bedroom.

Melanie smiles at Roger. He didn't have enough time to get a drink. She laughs a little as she sits down on the couch, laying her bag down to the side. Roger's hotel room is nice, beautifully decorated.

Roger comes back out, places a white shirt and a pair of boxers on the table in front of the coach. "Thanks, Roger," Melanie says.

"No problem," Roger smiles at her and plops down next to her, an arm-stretching over her shoulders. Melanie blushes lightly as Roger does so, causing her to look away from the drummer. "You're so easy to make blush," Roger chuckles lightly.

"I'm sorry,"

"There is no reason to apologize! It's cute little thing, you know," Roger says. Melanie hides her face in her hands. The drummer smiles at the roadie. "I'm not lying," the drummer's smile widen. "I wasn't lying when I called you pretty either," he continues.

"I'm not pretty," Melanie says as she looks up at Roger. He is close. Really close.

"Give me one good reason,"

"I have chubby thighs," Melanie states, earning a shock expression from Roger.

"Honey, thick thighs are everything. More room for hickeys and love! Thighs are everything."

"Roger," Melanie mutters shyly.

     "I mean, I'm not lying," Rogers states, "or should I prove it?" The drummer bites his lip, watching Melanie look right back at him, her face now beet red.

     "Do you want to prove it?" Melanie asks, voice quiet and shy.

"I would love too." The drummer growls. "Can I please touch you?"


Roger smiles, taking one Melanie's hands and leads her to the bedroom. "You can tell me to stop anytime," He states. Melanie nods to him, getting self cautious. Roger takes notice. "Lay down on the bed, love," he demands, but his voice is soft.

Melanie hesitantly does as told, kicking off her shoes, getting on the bed and faces him. "You look so good. Your legs are beautiful, they look great in those shorts, especially  your thighs." The drummer mutters softly. "I love the way those shorts hug you so tight, I couldn't stop staring at your legs the whole night."

Roger unbuckles Melanie's belt and places it on the bedside table. He tugs lightly at the shorts, looking at Melanie for permission. She nods. Roger slowly pulls off the shorts, soon to toss them to the side.

"Beautiful," He mutters, starting to gently rub circles on her bare skin, feeling goosebumps rise on her thighs. "So much space to mark you as mine," he growls, tracing small stretch marks on her upper thighs. He places gentle kisses on each of them.

     "Roger, hurry it already," Melanie quietly whines, biting her lip. Roger makes eye contact with her, only for Melanie to look away from him out of embarrassment.

     "Little eager," Roger mumbles as he spreads Melanie's legs, placing himself between them as he watches blush cover Melanie's cheeks. "Let me take my time with you, love."

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