Part 16

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Glorious painting fills up the walls of the museum. Every painting from oil to acrylic, labeled with big named artists, beautiful stories, and beautiful artifacts fill floor space.

Melanie zips up her leather jacket from being too self cautious. Roger notices and takes her to the side. "You doing okay, love, you've been fidgeting with your jacket since we started walking, you want to go back?" The drummer asks.

"No, no, I'm fine. I'm just..." She glances up at Roger for a second and looks away. "I'm just a little self cautious right now, I guess," Melanie whispers to the drummer, her eyes are scattering all over the room.

"You want to talk about it?" Roger asks, taking Melanie's hands. She flinches a little but relaxes soon after. "Love, your hands are shaking and sweaty, what is wrong?" His voice is soft and low, not wanting to catch anyone's attention.

"Roger, I'm fine, I'm just...I don't know," Melanie looks away from the drummer as he pulls her closer to him, rubbing her back gently. "Can we please keep walking with the others, that would...I think that would help."

      "You can tell me anything, you know," he whispers into her ear.

      "I know, I just can't...can't get the right words know...I don't want to mislead you," Melanie explains to him. Roger nods as he leads her to the boys. He takes her by the waist and brings her close to him for a second.

     "Look at this, it's beautiful!" The couple hears Freddie exclaim as they return to the group exchanging opinions on two paintings.

      "But this one is wonderful, you can't go wrong with it!" Brian exclaims. John and Jim chuckle lightly at the two as the two bandmates converse on which painting is better and has more meaning, with arguing of course.

     John glances over at Roger and Melanie, immediately recognizing a light discomfort in Melanie. He raises his brow at Roger, only to earn a shrug from the drummer. Melanie is too distracted by Freddie and Brian to look over at him, so he continues to walk with the boys.

      "Oh, look at this one, it's fabulous! It's fabulous! Elton would love to see this one!" Freddie states.

     "He can put it where he keeps those ornamental cats of his!" Roger tells him, causing the group to laugh a little.

     "It's from Italy, 1898, painter unknown," John whispers to Melanie. She smiles at him, nudging her head on his shoulder in response.

    "Mel, do you have a favorite?" Brian asks.

     "I like the flowers in it, it really makes the night stand out. It has wonderful shading and color pallet." Melanie says, a small smile on her face.

"How about we wander around the artifacts for a change?" Brian asks.

"That's a good idea, let's go!" Freddie states.

"Let's not get into an argument this time," Jim suggested. They all agree and laugh a little more. The group decided to separate and went their own ways to look at the artifacts. Melanie sticks to Roger.

"You feeling better, love?" He asks.

     "Yes, I am, thank you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trail behind, I just don't feel good and I don't want them to notice," Melanie tells him.

     "Alright, you just stick to me and I'll try to make everything better," Roger states, giving her hand a quick squeeze. He spots a couple of fangirls on the other side of the room. Glancing over at Melanie, whose fidgeting is getting worse. "There are fans here, I see them staring, just stay calm," he says. Melanie nods and John walks over.

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