Part 27

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     Melanie sits in the chair in the corner of the room. Roger leans against the bathroom door.

     "I'm sorry Roger." Melanie mumbles

     "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have acted immaturely." Roger states, running his hands through his blond hair.

     "I'm sorry I couldn't explain it." The roadie curls herself up in her chair. "I should've have been more prepared."

     "I got aggressive. I know you better. I know myself better. You deserve a calm conversation." Roger sighs.

     "You deserve a better love life." Melanie looks at Roger. He was staring right at her. His eyes were too hard to read.

     "John, can I have a minute with her alone?" The drummer asks.

     John looks over at Melanie. She nods. "Of course." John stands up and rubs Melanie's arm. "I'll be right outside, okay?" John tells her before walking away. Roger and John hesitantly look at each other as the bassist pass. "Don't fuck it up."

     John walks out of the room. Roger immediately walks towards Melanie, kneeling down in front of her chair. "Baby, I know I fucked up. But what do you mean? You know, about me deserving a better love life?"

     "You're really sweet Roger. You make people laugh and you're such a great person and me-"



     "Tell me."

     "Roger please, I can't explain."

     "You never can, can you?"

     Melanie looks away from Roger, almost completely turning away from him. She feels like she could almost cry again. "But you can be a real bitch."

     "I know, I'm sorry."

     "I don't understand how you can tell a girl you love her and then you change the next day." Melanie mumbles. She looks back at the drummer. His baby blue eyes, full of pain. It's too hard to look at him. "So are you going to stay with me or find another girl on tour to fuck?" She asks him.

      "Melanie, what the fuck are saying?"

     "Do you want to keep trying to keep our relationship alive or fuck somebody else?" Melanie almost yells. Her body is shaking.

     "I want you. Only you. I can't believe you sometimes."

     "I can say the same about you," Melanie says, readjusting herself in her chair. "Give me your hand."


"Give me your hand," Melanie repeats, making grabby hands towards his hurt one. Roger hesitantly gives it to her. She's gentle with him. "Does it hurt a lot?"

"Not as much as it did before. It's not broken though." Roger states.

"How? You punched through the wall."

"Thin walls." Melanie nods in response.

"I hope it gets better."

"Thanks, love. One of the med guys has wrapped for it. I just need to go to him later." Roger states. He watches Melanie as her body calms down quickly. Now he could actually see how red Melanie's eyes truly are.

Roger reaches up and plays with Melanie's curly hair. It's too soft and delicate. When drops his hand, he gently caresses her wrist.

"I feel so bad Roger. I didn't want drama." Melanie says, biting her lip.

"You didn't start it, Melanie. I did and the guys get themselves involved. They didn't have too." Roger exclaims with a sigh.

"But we wouldn't be here having this talk of it wasn't for them. Now all of them are stressed and tense. That's not good for the show tomorrow." She tells him.

"Fuck the show tomorrow. I punched a wall. I yelled. John and they got themselves involved when they could've stayed out of it.."

"But they have good murals, Rog. They are your best friends."

"I know." The drummer looks down at his feet. "I know they care."

"Roger, I don't want us to end, okay. But, I don't want us hurting when we're together." The roadie looks at him.

     "I don't want us hurting either." Roger closes his eyes, having a pained expression. "And if a break is what we need to figure things out...let's do it." His heart sinks as he opens his eyes.

     He sees her sadness. He sees that she has pain too.

     "I'm so sorry this happened."

     "I'm sorry too."

     Roger gets up from the floor and turns away from her, making his way towards the door. But he pauses.

     "I hope you know that I don't sleep around anymore. I really want you. I would die if I hurt you and we've only been together for a couple of months. I'd hate to see you go." The drummer states.

     "Then don't give me a reason too," Melonie states, causing him to turn around. "Don't let me go, Roger. Even though we've been together for that long, it felt like it's been years."

     "It has." Roger crosses his arms. "But you have to promise me that you will never hurt me too."

     "I promise." Melanie gets up from her seat. Roger hesitantly walks to her. He softly touches her hands and holds them. "I will never be able to deal with the fact of hurting you."

     One of Roger's hands wanders to Melanie's cheek. Her tears stained her cheeks. Her freckles are almost invincible with her cheeks so red.

     "I could say the same, but it looks like I've already done it." The drummer mutters. Melanie gets on her tippy toes and kisses Roger's lips gently.

"I love you so fucking much, Roger Taylor."

"I love you too." Roger backs away from her, looking her up and down. She's everything he's ever wanted and he's learning that now. "I'm guessing this is the adult thing to do, I guess."

      "I guess." The roadie gives him a weak smile before he turns for the door.

     "I'll see you tomorrow morning, right?" Roger asks as he reaches for the door.

     "Yeah," Melanie says weakly as she watches him walk out the door. Tears stream down her cheeks again as she collapses back into the chairs.

     John peaks through the cracks before opening the door. He silently makes his way towards Melanie. She looks up at the bassist.

     "I've made a mistake. I let him go, didn't I? Melanie asks.

      "You didn't let him go. He'll come back to you." John states as he sits next to her. "I've never seen him act as he has been. He has been happier. Thanks to you."

     "I can't believe this is happening," Melanie mumbles, feeling John's arms wrap around her. "I've gotten myself into a mess. I've should've seen it from the start."

     "You regret being in a relationship with Roger?"

     "To be honest, I have no clue."

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