A little trip

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There is a really beautiful place near the countryside we are living at right now, and it's called New Jerusalem. We went there today with my mom and sister, and I have to say, it's astonishingly gorgeous.

We were planning on going there several days ago, but that was when I got the horrible allergy attack. I guess it was some kind of sign, because that day the weather wasn't really good either. Today it's sunny and my allergies didn't torture me, so I guess everything does happen for a reason.

So I am going to stop rambling and let you see all the beauty I saw today. Hope you enjoy💕

I absolutely adore this minty/turquoise color of the domes and other roofs

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I absolutely adore this minty/turquoise color of the domes and other roofs. I think it contrasts so well with the white and gold.

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Beautiful, right?💙

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Beautiful, right?💙

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