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Friends - are probably some of the most important people in anybody's life. At least in my one for sure. I truly am so grateful for all the people who have stayed with me all those years. With whom I have shared laughter and tears. All my new friends, without whom I can't imagine my life anymore(you all know who you are❤️).

But I have recently realized something very important. You don't only need other people to be your friends, you need to be your own best friend, too. Because if you don't have that support system within yourself, life becomes much harder and in tough situations you feel lonely and scared.

One of my main goals right now is to become my own friend, because at the moment I am like my enemy, my biggest strictest judge. I completely lost this feeling of confidence in what I do and say. I doubt every single little thing I do, and then judge myself for doing it and then, i judge myself for judging myself. Interesting, ha? But that's what this lack of your own support does to you. You completely lose sense of what is okay and what is already getting out of hand. And it's so important to keep all of that intact.

Have you noticed how you can give great advice to others, but when it comes to yourself, you aren't able to use it? That happens to me all the time. I can be kind and understanding towards other, but why can't I be this way towards myself, too?

That's what I am working on. On becoming my friend and someone I can trust and listen to.

I am going through some tough times. Life is kinda messed up and my emotions are all over the place. But I am working on it. I am getting help, I am figuring out what causes these weird feelings and hopefully I'll have an answer to that in some time.

Love you guys and hope life is treating you well. If not, I am here for you♥️

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