My partner in crime

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It's been a bit less than a year since the day I met you but I feel like we have been friends forever. We firstly started communicating through comment sections and I always noticed how we had the same opinion on any issue. I remember reading your comments and being like "OH MY GOD IS SHE INSIDE MY HEAD" because you always said what I wanted to say but I could never write it down properly. And then I remember feeling like nobody felt the way I did, and then your comment would pop up and I'd think "yes, exactly!" Might not seem like much but I really loved that, because we all know that one of the worst feelings is being the odd one or not being understood.

Then we moved to direct messages on here. We started texting almost on a daily basis and I'd get beyond excited whenever I'd see a message from you. It was the hardest month of my life, and though we had only known each other for a few months, you still helped me so much by listening, not judging and giving wonderful pieces of advice.

Then we moved to Instagram and that's where the crazy part started. We would literally spam each other with posts about Shawn( we still do, bc why tf not, there can never be too much Shawn). And that made me so happy. For the first time I didn't feel bad, because I always felt like I annoyed my friends, but I knew that you felt the same way as I did, so I finally felt comfortable( my grammar teacher should kill me for the amount of times I used feel in this sentence).

As months went by we became closer and closer. We started talking more about life, the issues that we faced. I remember how one time you texted me somewhere in the middle of the night crying, talking about something that was bothering you. And this might sound weird, and I am don't mean it in a cruel way, but I felt so happy when you did that. Of course I felt horrible for you, and I really wished that you hadn't felt that way, but at the same time, I knew that you really opened up and were vulnerable. And you don't do that with many people. In that moment I felt like I did something right as a friend. I made you believe that you can talk to me about such things, and that you don't have to be scared that I will judge you or brush you off. I remember spending about another 40 minutes in bed coming up with the best answer and some advice that could maybe help. That day is definitely engraved in my memory.

Saying that you helped me a lot is also like saying nothing. You were the person I texted during and after my first panic attack. After finding out about Mia I called you and sobbed into the phone for 4 minutes straight. There wasn't much you could do, but just having you on the phone, knowing that you were there for me was enough. How you checked up on me at least 3 times a day for the next few days after that. How you listened to the craziest bs I told you and still never judged.

We have our moments. We are both going through some tough things, so there are situations when we let it out on each other. Some stupid arguments is something that has been happening quite a bit with us, but I know that most of the times it's just because we both are tired and confused. But it also happens because we both care so much and feel things on a super deep level that, when we know that once of us said something stupid or hurtful, we start to hate ourselves for it and it makes everything difficult.

But for the most part any conversation we have is filled with good vibes. Our Skype calls - my fave thing in the entire world. We literally spend 2 hours talking about nonsense, looking through some pictures, discussing songs, lists of the most handsome men in the world...( we haven't agreed with any of them, so we will do our own one btw🤣). Sometimes it's deep stuff or pure ranting. No matter what it is, it's still always the best.

If you have the opportunity to know Deni, just know that you are super lucky. Please treasure her( or I'll f you up).

Deni, you are so understanding, loving, caring, funny and beautiful inside and out. And I am so very proud to call you my wifey.

I love you Den Den❤️


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