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shawnsbuttercup sent this to me and I knew that I had to share this.

I never believed in online friendships and relationships

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I never believed in online friendships and relationships. I was always like, how can you be so comfortable and close to someone you have never even seen in real life? Well turns out, you can. I would have never believed that I would have this many wonderful people in my life. I truly cannot our into words how thankful and grateful I am.

itsdenni PerfectlyImperfect89 shawnsbuttercup pumpkinspiciest ScaryAiry89 blxxdrxse sweeetcupoftea

You all are my support system. It hasn't been easy for me lately, but all of you were always there to help, to give advice, to just listen to me rant about the stupidest shit. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'll never be able to say that enough. I love you and adore you with my whole heart and I can't imagine my life without you anymore💖

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