chapter 3

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Hope POV:

*after school*. I walked out to see star yes star cams girlfriend making out with Taylor. My mouth dropped. "STAR" I shouted. She turned around with a smirk on her face. "Who are you" she said. "A nobody" Taylor said. Cam then walked out and had a shocked look. I turned around to see he was with all the boys. They gave Taylor the oh no you didn't look. "Oh your gonna get it" Nash yelled. I laughed. Cam looked heartbroken. A 15 year old heartbroken and looking after his sister have you ever seen that. "Lads come to my house tonight I have some news to tell ye" cam announced. They nodded and started walking home.

*when I arrived home*. "Hope get changed into something comfortable". I nodded ran upstairs and threw on sweatpants one of cams tops and my black Nike runners.

Cams POV:

I'm gonna tell the boys about hope being my sister  I've kept it so long. Yes I'm upset about star cheating on me. But I don't care hope is gonna be the only girl in my life from now on.

*when they arrived*
Hope POV:

There was a knock on the door and cam told me get it. I opened the door to Nash and hayes. Wow Hayes looked cute. OK I have a crush on hayes get over it. " evening hope" they said. "Hey". Then the rest arrived even taylor. " OK the news is that hope is my sister". There mouths dropped including mine. "Omg cam seriously" Aaron carter Hayes and nash said. "I always knew you were too nice to that bitch" Taylor said pointing at me. OK I have had enough I'm about to blow better now then never. Cam is giving me the do it look so is Hayes and Nash. You see can thought me some tricks to help me fight so I guess I'm gonna use them. " OK you shut your fuckin mouth before I put you into hospital out of all the people in this room you hurt me the most" I said. " you shut the hell up you can't hurt me" Taylor said. "Ohh your gonna regret that" cam said. I got up the boys had weird looks on there faces. I went over to Taylor. Kicked him where it hurts grabbed his right arm twisted it and made him fall to the ground. "Ohhh stop please it hurts" he said. "Should I stop" I said. The boys were just laughing.

After 10 minutes I let him up. "OK don't some people owe someone an apology" cam said. Up came Hayes "I'm so sorry hope please forgive me" I smiled and hugged him. They  came up one by one till it came to Taylor "I'm sooooo sorry hope please please forgive me" he said. "OK

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