chapter 15

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*2 days later*

hope pov:

i can remember everyone now. i dont fell myself though. im back i have all my friends. but something is missing. i feel depressed alot. "your aloud to go home today" the docter said coming in. "ok thank you" i said. noone has visited me since the day i woke up. im lonely. the only person i see is the docter or nurse. *beep beep* my phone went off.  it was a twitter notification.

@camerondallas: @hopedallas i heard youre aloud to come home today.

i just put down my phone. im tierd of this wouldnt you think he would come see me at least. no i get a twitter notification. just then there was a knock on the door. "come in" i said. "hey hope i heard youre coming home today" it was courtney. "ya" i said. "hope i brought you some clothes" she said passing me some sweatpants and an oversised top so it wont hurt my bruize. "thank you so much" i said giving her a hug. "do you remeber me" she asked. "ya i do" i said. she jumped up and down. "btw cam said he sorry for not visiting you and he be in to collect you in an hour so get ready" she said leaving.

the nurse came in. "sweetheart do you want to take a shower". "yes please" i said. she showed me to the bathroom and i got ready.

i got out and dressed. when i went back to my room. i heard laughing.  i walked in to see hayes nash and cam. "hello" i said shyly.  "hey can i talk to hope for a second" hayes said. "ya" nash and cam said smirking.

once they left hayes came up to me. "hope ive liked you since i first met you and i wanted to know will you be my girlfirend". i was so happy i always have liked him. "yes hayes yes ill be your girlfriend". a smile grew on his face. he give me a tight yet soft hug. then i went for it instead of him. i  gave him a kiss. it was perfect. i felt like i was myself again. it felt lke we were suppose to be together.

a/n a lot of drama in the next chapter hope you are enjoying the story. fave it if you do. 

ok im starting looking for the boys girlfriends so leave your name description and what boy you want to be with in the comments and ill pick a few btw the boys are: 







jack j

jack g

Cameron's Dallas little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now