chapter. 17

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"2 months later"

hope pov:

wow its been 2 months it has flied. so today is my 14th birthday. i dont feel like having a party. so ill fill you in on what happened. so after that night where hayes lifted me uo to my room and i asked him stay. things have gone downhil. so lets just say me and hayes arenrt a couple anymore. he cheated on me. courthney and cam are going strong. she is still my bestfriend. ive completely changed my look because the bullying is back. its from hayes and his friends. my hair is still brown just have some  light blue highlights going through them. bryan has stopped speaking to me. courtny and cam are the only people i see. we all are still viners cam me courtney nash hayes bryan etc. carter and aaron come over nce in awhile. so youve caught up. great. "HOPE" cam and courtney shouted. yes she is at my house everyday.  i ran downstairs to see this man. "hello hope im bart i here its youre birthday" he said. "hello bart and yes" i said. cam and courtney looked so excited. "ok lets get down to business you know the way you have got popular on vine" bart said. i nodded. "well im putting a group together called magcon it stands for meet and greet convention and i wanted to know will you be apart of it" he said. "i would love to" i said jumping up and down. "ok i have to go and talk to a few other people to join ill text you your first date around next week and have a good day" he said. "bye" i screamed. i ran over to courtney. "wooo hoooo we get to travel together best birthday yet" i screamed at her. she gave me a card. "open it" sh said. i opened it to find tons of vouchers. "wanna go now" she said. "ofcourse" i grabbed my penny board and we left.

when we arrived at the mall i saw a group of people. ot was taylor nash aaron carter hayes bryan jack and jack. me and courtney walked passed them but of course courthney being herself shouted "WHERE DOES THE BIRTHDAY GIRL WANT TO GO FIRST". they looked at me. i started walking faster. she caught up "what the hell courtney" i said.. "i was seeing what their reaction would be like" she said laughing.  we weont into victoria secrets she had got me  a $50 doller voucher for here. i came out with some new underwear and bras. then we went to american apparel. i came out with 2 new pairs of shorts 3 new sweatpants 5 new tank tops and 2 new dresses. courtney had gone somewhere so i just sat down. i had about 10 bags, i suddenly saw courtney. "here i got you these" she said handing me 2 other bags. "thanks" i said. my phone rang 

h= hope c=cam

h= whats up

c= i need food gonna die

h=ok ok be back in a few what you want


end of convo

"we need to get cam food and i think im done shopping" i said. "ok" courtney replied.

we got taco bell and left. when we got home "so how was your birthday" cam saud as he opened the door. "ok i guess i miss the boys though i saw them and felt like we never knew eachother" i said nearly in tears. "why are you crying" a voice i reconized said.

clifff hanger sorry i had to do it hope your enjoying 

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