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hope pov:

when i told them i had a boyfriend bryan got up and left. i ran after him "bryan bryan" i shouted. he wouldnt come back. i ran out the door and caught up woth him. he turned around grabbed my waist and wispered " hope i liked you". i was stuned. "bryan can you please come in i just need a night with my besties" i said. he came back in. we all sat down. matt was in cams room. "so who is it hope whos the boyfriend" josh and barry said. i texted matt.

*test converstion between hope and matt*

hope: hey are we telling people about us.

matt: i hope so cause ive told all my friends back home my mom my dad the list goes on :).

hope; ok thx.

matt: bye bueatiful have a good night.

*end of convo*

"ok you know matt" i said. "ya" they said at exacttly the same time. "him his my boyfriend" i said. "matts your boyfriend" josh practicly shouted. "i heard my name" matt says bursting threw the door. "oh noting" josh said smirking. cam came in then. "who wants pizza" he said. "ME" we shouted. then he left to order. 

*after 5 minutes*

cam came back. "hope is it ok if the boys come over" he said. "he more the better" i said. "ok you ring a few" he said. i got out my phone and rang hayes.

*convo h=hayes ho=hope*

h: hey whats up.

ho: do you and nash wanna come over tonight.

h: sure be over in a few.

*end of convo*

i rang carter then. the convo was the same.

after around 10 mins there was a knock on the door. "ill get it" i screamd already running down the stairs. by the time i got to the dooor i was out of breath. i opened the door to cartercaaon hayes nash and taylor. they came in one by one. then i saw a little girl. "hi whats your name" i said bening down to her size. "skylann" she said. "who brought skylann" i said bouncing back up. " i did" nash said. "ok are you tierd skylann" i said. she nodded. i took her to the spare room. she was out like a light.

i ran downstairs to see everyone. i took a moment to look at who is here. how they were my bullies now my bestfriends. i though to myself "i wouldnt have it anyother way". "hope" matt shouted. i ran over. "dont we have news" he said. i nodded. "me and matt are going out" i said. i looked around cam josh and barry were the only people with smiles. the rest of them looked jealous. i just shook it of. i went over to the couch and sat down. "who wants to play truth or dare" cam said. we all said yes. we got in a circle. "ok nash you go first" cam said. "hope truth or dare" he said. me being a whoose said "truth". "ok other then matt list your top 3  hot people here" he said. i thought for a second then said "bryan is first then hayes lastly nash" i said. "ok carter truth or dare" i said. he said "dare"." i dare you to ring the lat person on your contact list and scream im pregnant and your the father down the phone" i said. he nodded. the last person on his contact list was someone named jack johnson. he picked up "jackk i m pregnant and your the father" he shouted down the phone. i was making a vine of this. he hanged up before he could say anything. i uploaded it to vine. carter got a call. "hope you take this and explain" carter said. i answered " carter WTF i thought we used protection" he said sacasticly. "hi this is hope i made him do that i dared him" i said. "omg are you hope dallas cameron dallas little sister" he said. "yeah" i said.  "i love your vines me and  my friend jack gilinsky started using it too" he said. "cool hope i get to meet ye sometime" i said. "ya tell carter to give you my number" he said. then i hung up.

later on "comeon everybody we should go to bed"" cam said. we did as we told and went to bed "night" i screamed as me bryan josh and barry went up the stairs. we all climped into my bed. bryan pulled me close as he use to do. put his hands around my waist. josh was at my other side. barry was at bryans other side. it felt like old times. "night hope" bryan barry and josh said. "night boys" ii  said.

a/n  hey guys is it too short let me know in the comments.

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