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hope pov:

today is the day me and matt  have our date. im so excited. but first i have to go to school. today is a friday im so happy. i got up and got dressed its october so i decided to wear jeans with a black thick jumper and my black vans. i walked downstairs. to see cam nash and hayes. "hey boys whats up" i say. "noting much" hayes replies. ok to tell the truth i still really like hayes. i was interupted by cam saying "a little birdie named matt told me ye have a date tonight". "ya i cant wait i really like him" i say. "aww my little girl might have found herself a boy but god help him if he hurts you" he said. the boys laughed at the last part but i didnt cause i know he wasnt lying. i grabbed an apple my penny board and left. with cam nash and hayes on there penny boards beside me. 

when we arrived

i saw bryan josh and barry. i ran over and tackled them with hugs.  they hugged back. we broke apart when i heard "aww the little bitch found friends" i turned around to find out it was jessie the biggest bitch that said it. "ya like who would want to be friends with you" star said that. the boys looked at me since the whole school was surronding us now. "star what happened to the night when you said you wouldnt let anyone hurt me" i said. she came over to me and wispered "come to the girls bathroom in 10 mins and im so sorry about what im gonna have to do". i just nodded. she pushed me into a locker. i fell to the ground. 

10 mins later

 i walked into the bathoom to find star balling her eyes out. i ran over "star whats wrong cmon tell me" is all i could say. "hope im so sorry its just they made me they said noone would be my friend if i didnt bully you" she said. "sky whyd you kiss taylor when you were going out with cam" i asked. "because he grabbed me and made me" she replied. "then whyd you say who are you when i shouted your name" i asked. "because i couldnt see you cause taylor was pinching me hard that my eyes were closed". i just noddded. i gave her a hug and said "i forgive you but i dont know bout cam". she nodded . we had 10 mins till school started. we walked over to the boys. there i saw taylor i had to sort it out. "taylor whyd you do it you knew cam and star were going out" i said. "what are you on about hope" taylor asked. "you made star kiss you" i said. "no i didnt she kissed me " taylor replied. "omg star i thought i could trust you" i said. "you thought wrong didnt you" jessie said. "she was trying to get informatin for us" lucy said. star nodded her head but yet she was guilty. i turned to run when i felt someones arms wrap around me and pull me into there chest. IT WAS MATT.  "its ok hope its gonna be ok" he said. i just keept crying." i have no friends do i" i said. "what about us" barry josh and bryan said putting there hand over there heart as if t hurt. "and us" the boys shouted. i just laughed.

a/n i decided to pu the date in the next chapter.

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