chapter 29

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cam pov: 

we are in the waiting room. i dont know will she make it she is badly broken. if i ever see his face again his dead. a docter came out. "are ye all here for hope dallas" he said. we nodded. "well i have some good and bad news which one first" he said. "bad first so we can be a little happier with the good news" matt said. "well the bad news is she has four broken ribs and a brocken arm ad a few not important scratches the good news is she is awake and heeling" we all jumped up and said yes. "she wants to see someone named michael" the docter said before leaving. hayes looked upset but just left him go. why did she want to see michael.

hope pov:

the docter went out to tell everyone i asked for michael to come into me. you may asked why him not hayes well i didnt tell you this. it happened when i got kidnapped. the other voice was michaels. i knew i reconized it but i only thought of it when i woke up today. he helped get me kidnapped. michael walked in. "YOU FUCKIN CUNT " i screamed. he knew why i called him it. "im sorry hope i had to..........." i interupted him "I DONT CARE MICHAEL ABOUT WHY Y..........." he interupted me. "i did it because i like you hope when i say like i mean i love you and have since i first got to speak to you" he said. at this point i didnt care he did it . "i dont care michael now get the fuck out of my room and tell hayes i want him" i said. he left and within a few seconds hayes was there. "HAYES" i screamed. he ran over to my bed. "HOPE" he screamed hugging me. he kissed me. it was perfect i missed him so much. 

"i missed you hope" he said when we broke our kiss. "i missed you too hayes" i replied. there was a knock on the door . it opened. i saw everyone. (a/n listen to skyscraper by demi lavoto for emotion). "HOPE" they screamed.  my eyes filled with tears. i never knew how much i have missed them until now. ive missed nash humour taylor being so cocky jack and jack being my protectors and ofcourse my bestie courtney. the rest of them ive missed them being my best friends and their always going to be. "ive missed you so much hope" nash said coming over to me and hugging me tightly. "nash nash am cant breath also OW i do have four broken ribs for god sake" i said. "sorry" nash said. i just laughed. "aww i missed that laugh and smile" jack and jack said. they came over and gave me a tight but soft hug. one by one they came over saying how much they have missed me then i noticed courtney and bryan are missing. "guys where is courtney and bryan" i asked. "were here" two voices said at the door. "BRYAN COURTNEY OMG" i screamed. they ran over to me and gave me hugs. 

later on bryan said "josh and barry are dead a year tommorow". tears came to my eyes. "awe babe dont cry please ive seen you cry so much" hayes said coming over planting a kiss on my forehead. i noticed cam being so quiet. "cam" i said. "ya" he said. "why are you so quiet" i asked. "because this is my fault" after he said that i actually got out of the bed i was in so much pain i walked over to him. i sat down beside him. "cam none of this is your fault please believe that" i said. he gave me a hug then told me to go back to bed. i did as told. i decided i would go to sleep. i was out like a light. last thing i heard was "night hope" from everyone and a door closing. guess im in her tonight by my self.

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