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Hope pov:

"get away from me you killed mom" i screamed at him. "hope I've changed please believe me" he said. " ill try do you have a place that I can stay at " i asked. "sure follow me" he replied.

I followed him. We got to this 3 bedroom house. It was actually pretty nice. "hope I have to tell you something you have a step mom and a step brother and a step sister" he said. "ok let's meet them " i replied.

When I walked in. "everybody come here" he shouted. "ok dad" they shouted back. In walked 3 teenagers. "amm I thought I only had 2 new family members" i said. "oh yeah that's your brothers friend" dad replied. I nodded. Then walked in a young enough women she was really pretty.

"ok everybody except you Michael ofcourse this is your step sister hope. Hope meet James his 15 Michael his 14 and james friend and your sister holly" dad said. " hi" i said shyly. "dad what about cam we have to tell him" i said. "ok call him put him on loud speaker" he said. I nodded.

*ring ring* no answer. I decided to ring hayes. He answered straight away. "hey hayes is cam there" i asked. " his in the bathroom he won't come out" he replied. " put your phone up against the door" i told hayes. I heard him walk over then I shouted down the phone "Cameron dallas get your ugly ass out of that bathroom". "cam hope needs to speak to ya" hayes said. I heard the door unlock. "hope hope do you forgive me" he asked. "ofcourse now I need to speak to you can you come to *address* and please bring nash and hayes " i asked. " ok" he said then put me onto hayes. I took it off loud speaker. "hayes can we get back together sorry I was just upset" i asked. " we never broke up my little hope see ya in a few" he said. Then hung up.

After awhile I got to know holly were going to be bestfriends. I got to know James a little and Michael seems pretty cool.

*ding dong*. I opened the door to see all the boys and Courtney. "hey everybody" i said. They came in. "amm dad meet the family" i said. "wait dad" cam said. "yes son it's me" dad said. Cam ran into a hug. " i missed you dad" cam said.

"ill introduce everyone please dad" i asked. "ok". "ok so this is nash Taylor hayes jack j jack g shawn jc kian Courtney brent Bryan matt sam Jacob Aaron carter and cam please meet James holly and Michael" i.said. They all said hi.

After a while cam shouted " guys were going to new Jersey tomorrow for magcon". "oh yeah " we said. " cam would Bart mind If we had 3 more guests" i asked. " already ahead of you sista Michael holly James what,you say" he said. " YES" they shouted.

We all left including James Michael and holly back to the hotel. Holly is staying with the girls Michael and james staying with me and the boys.  I was falling asleep while walking. " hey bestie want a,piggy back you look tierd" Michael said. I was,about to say ya when Bryan said " sorry her bestie place is reserved for me and me only". " amm I'm gonna walk" i said quickly. " hey baby want a,piggy back" hayes said wrapping his arms around me. " get your hands of my sister you creep" James said punching hayes. " what the hell James you just punched my boyfriend" i said " and my little brother" nash chimed in. "well he shouldn't be doing that" James said. " his FUCKIN 14 James and if cam is ok with it you should be too" nash and I said. He put his hands up in surrender. By now hayes was back to reality. I went over to him and kissed his nose. " yes I would love a piggy back" i said. " thought ya would" he said laughing.

We got back to the hotel room and went to sleep.

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