chapter.7 the date

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hope pov:

aftter school cam invited the boys over. everyone said they would come. we  walked home even though we had our penny boards. "MATT PUT ME DOWN" i screamed when matt picked me up and through me over his shoulder. "MATT PUT DOWN MY SISTER" cam shouted. he put me down and i ran over to cam. "im only aloud to do that" cam said scooping me up and throwing me over his houlder. by now i felt sick. i was getting thrown up and down. "cam i dont feel good" i said. " are you ok" cam said putting me down. " ya i just dont like getting thrown up and down" i replied. we arrived home a few minutes after. "sup matt what time you picking me up" i asked. " around 7" he replied. "MATT ITS 5" i said more liked screamed. "shit i got to go lads bye see ya later hope" he came  over and gave me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. then he left. "im going getting ready bye people" i said. "bye" they shouted.

i went forr a shower. threw on my outfit pic at start. then did a light makeup routine. by now it was 6. i have an hour left. "hope" cam screamed. i ran downstairs. "yes" i said. "will you make a vine with us" he said. " whats vine" i said. " its where you make a 6 second video" nash replied. "sure but first im setting a vine account up" i said. they nodded. i made one up. we decided to do onee where nash throws me into the pool and hayes jumps in and saves me. "nash put me down" i screamed. but before i knew it he had thrown me into the pool.  hayes jumped in and saved me. " my hero" i said giving him a kiss on the cheek, he blushed after it ended.ding dong "hope its matt" cam said.i ran to the front. "get your penny board" matt said. i did and shouted bye to the boys and we left

we arrived at a little pizzeria. "matt how did you know pizza was my fave" i asked. "a little birdy told me" he replied. we walked in and sat down. then someone came over to me and said "omg are you hope dallas". " yes and how did you know" i asked. "because i followed you on vine today i love the vine were nash threw you in the pool and hayes saved you" she said. "thanks i didnt know i would get a fan" i replied. she asked me for a photo. then she noticed matt "omg" she screamed. i guess he does vine too. " i love you matt" she said. "not to be rude or anything but were kinda on a date" matt said. she just left with a massive smile on her face."wow i never knew you did vine" matt said. " i only started today" he nodded. 

*after dinner* matt said " hope do you want to go home". i think he noticed i was tierd. after all it was 10. i nodded. he grabbed my penny board. "let me give you a piggy back" he said. i just nodded. my eyes started to close and close. then i was asleep. after that i remember noting.........................................

a/n hey bueatiful people hope your enjoying

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