chapter. 19

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hope pov:

today me cam and courtney are going meeting the rest of magcon. i cant wait to meet them. when i got there i saw.hayes,jackj,jackg,taylor,bryan,nash,aaron,carter,matt,a bunch of boys i didnt know and a few girls. "okay everbody stand up one by one and introduce yourselves" bart said. "hope you go first" he said looking at me. i stood up "hi everybody my name is hope dallas im 14 and i like to sing". next was courtney then cam hayes jackj jackg taylor bryan nash aaron carter and matt. thena brown haired brown eyed boy stood up "hello im shawn mendes im from canada and i like to sing" he said. then another brown haired brown eyed boy stood up "im jc caylen im from texas and i love to dance" nice i thought to myself. next "hi im brent revira i like starbucks and i like to make people laugh" he said. next "im sam potoroff i like pizza and making new friends". lastly "im jacob whitesides i love to sing i can play gutair" he said.

"ok now that thats done there are some rules 1st off your aloud to bring 1 friend with you secondly always be nice no fights and lastly have fun" bart said. "our first show is next week in this hotel so be here on the tueasday and the show is on the wedensday now get to know eachother more" he said walking out.

me and courtney went over to the girls "hi there" i said "hi" they said back. then a brown eyed brown haired girl spoke up "hi im skylar shawn's girlfriend" she said. then brown haired brown eyed girl said "im tianna nash's girlfriend". nash had a girl woah did not know that. "hi im mary jack g girl" a blue eyed brunette said. "i marta matt's girl" a girl  with brown hair and blue/green eyes said. "im giovanna jacob's girlfriend" a brown haired brown eyed girl said. "nice to meet you im courtney cam's girlfriend" courts said. "im hope nobody's girlfriend" i said laughing. 

then i heard carter shout "oh killem". i left courtney and the girls to talk. "jj where is andryah" i asked. "oh she's gone away for the weekend but said she will be back for tueasday" he said. "hey guys can i hang out with ye" i asked. "sure" i think it was jc that said it.

after around an hour or two all of which of me and the boys messing around. "ok we better go" cam said. "courtney were going" i yelled. "bye girls" i heard her say. "bye boys" i said. i gave them hugs and said bye to the girls and we left.

"night everybody" i said when we got home. "night baby girl" cam said. "night bae" courtney said. "night babe" i said back to her. "night cammy" then i went to bed. this is gonna be great im going to have so much fun being in magcon

a/n hope your enjoying

im still looking for girlfriends for








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