chapter. 4

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A/n hey everybody so in this one I'm introducing Matt OK he is gonna be 14. Also hope is only 13. Here you go chapter 4------

Hope POV :

My alarm went of. I got up and got changed. Hope ootd: green plaid skirt black thin jumper green benie and back boots with grey tights. I don't know whether to be excited or worried for today. But sure let's go. "Hope" cam called. "Yes" I said running downstairs. "C'mom let's cooled Nash and Hayes" he said. We left to their house." Hey hope" Nash and Hayes said. "Hey guys do I have to worry about today" I said. "No hope you'll be perfectly fine trust me especially after what you did to Taylor last night" Nash said making us laugh at the last part.

When we arrived I saw carter Taylor Aaron and a person I did not know over at my tree. "HEY HOPE" they shout. "Hey guys who's the Blondie" I said. to tell the truth he looked like Justin bieber but cuter."this Is Matt his new to our school but I've known him for years". "Hi Matt I'm hope" I said smiling.

Matt POV:

HEY HOPE" the guys shout at a girl who has brown hair and blueish- greenish eyes. She looks bueatiful . "Hey guys who's the Blondie" she said. "this Is Matt his new to our school but I've known him for years" carter said "Hi Matt I'm hope"she said smiling. Wow her smile was perfect. " hi h--" I was cut of by three boys. "HOPE"

Hope pov:

"Hi h--" he was cut of by Bryan josh and Barry. "HOPE" they screamed. "What" I said not really wanting to talk to them. " hope will you forgive us were so sorry for leaving you and we've regret ever since please forgive us" they said to me. I couldn't help but smile. I have my three best friends back."yes I will forgive you" I said. Smiles grew on their faces. Then they tackled me onto the ground with hugs. "Wow I've missed the four of ye together" cam said. I was so happy. No bullies best friends back. Noting could put me down. "Hey bitch" star said while she was with a few more of the popular girls. "What do you want" cam said. "Noting to do with you anyway" she said evil. "Leave him alone your noting but a slut whore bitch OK so go fuck around with someone else" I said. After that all I felt was a punch in to the jaw then a brick over the head. Like where the fuck they get the brick. I feel everything go black. When I see Matt Hayes and Bryan come over to me. At the same time they say "stay with me hope I need you". Then it went black and I heard people run away.--++-+-------

A/n hey you people out there hope your enjoying the story .

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