chapter 5

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hayes pov:okay i might have a tiny bit of a crush on hope. scratch that i love her and have since i first set my eyes on her. then why you bully her you might ask. well you see nash made me he said if i didnt that they would pick on me. so thats why. but when matt and bryan came over saying they need her thats where i draw the line. but i have to think about hope. "come on we have to get her to the nurses office" cam screamed. " i cant lose my sister" he screamed again. i ran over and went to pick her up when matt got there. "i can do it" i said. "well i was here first" he smirked. i just let it go cause i need her to be okay please be okay hope i need you.

*an hour later*we were in the room where hope was. the nurse said she would wake up any moment. in here is me carter aaron matt cam bryan barry josh and nash and obvously hope. taylor had to  go home because he felt sick. i saw her eyes opening and then she said something "cam come here please" she wispered him something. then he smirked.

hope pov:

i woke up to see hayes cam bryan barry josh carter aaron matt and nash here. i couldnt remember what happened. then i remembered star had hit me a with a brick. then i finaly said somrthing "cam come here please". he came over. i wispered "where the hell she get the brick from". he just smirked and turned around. then i remembered it matt bryan and hayes saying that they need me. i feel wanted. then matt wispered somthimg to cam. he just nodded. then matt started making his way over to me. "hey hope my name is matt" he said. "i do remember matt" i said jokinly. he put his hands up in surrender. then cam spoke "come on lets leave them be for a fe minutes". i was confused. but bryan and hayes had a jealous look on their faces as they walked out.

then the nurse walked in. "good hunny your awake do you mind this person staying with you or do you want me to get someone else" she said. "no thank you im fine" i replied. she nodded and walked out. " hey hope wanna pkay 21 queastions"matt asked. i just nodded. he went first "when is your birthday" he asked. "13th of december" i replied. after a few more queastions i decided to ask him " when i passed out earlier today whyd you say you needed me matt" i asked. "ok listen i really like you and i just wanted to know will you go on a date with me" hee asked. i was shocked but managed to get "yes" out .

a/n hey people of the world hopeing your enjoying this story. dont orget to fave it. the big date in the next chapter.

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