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Hope pov:

I woke up around 11a.m. I saw everyone was up even hayes. "morning hope" cam said. "morning" i replied. I was in my pj's and wasn't planning getting dress for another while."baby will you go on a date with me in awhile" hayes asked. "sure I'll start getting ready" i said.I went to the bathroom and started getting ready. I got dressed.pic at start. I did my tiny bit of makeup which included conceler mascara powder and lipgloss. I walked out of the bathroom. "damn girl you look hot" Taylor said. "jeez take you eyes of my girl" hayes said. I just laughed.

We walked out of the hotel room."hayes where are we going" i asked cause really i have no clue." i was thinking we could get something to eat and go to the cinema ...." i cut him off "cinema cinema cinema " i shouted did I mention that I love movies . "ok ok jeez we will go cinema but do you want food first" he asked. "FOOD FOOD food" i shouted. He gave me the Omg look.

We walked into subway to see Jessie star and a girl I didn't know. "what are they doing here" i said all in one breath. They must of heard because they said "oh look who it is little miss hope" star said. Hayes just pulled my hand and made me walk on. I ordered what I usually got and we sat down. In the meantime the three of them had left.

When we finished eating we went to the cinema. "babe what you want to see" i asked hayes. "a horror movie" hw replies. I nodded to tell the truth I'm not really scared of horror movies. He went up and bought the tickets I don't know what the name of the movie was.

We went in and took are seats.

When their in the cinema next chapter

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