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Cam pov:

I walked downstairs to see no sign of hope. Then I noticed the door was opened and that there was a brick with blood on it. In came hayes and nash."where is my baby" hayes said. "i don't know" i said. They looked at the brick on the ground. "i think she was kidnapped" i said. "no not hope oh god please" hayes said. "no not hope she is my bestfriend" nash said. I stood shocked no how could I let this happen let hope get kidnapped noooooooo.

Everyone was here we have rang the police. We have done everything I miss hope her little smile. "I've lost my bestfriend" Courtney said. I hugged her. Then the door bell went off. I opened it to Michael holly and james. "happy birthday cam" they shouted. "hope is gone" is all I said. I went back to couch.

Hope pov :

When I woke up i heard voices. "what are we going to do with her" one said. "i had to do it she is my daughter I'm not letting her go again" another said that was my dad. "DAD WHAT THE HELL" i shouted at him. "hope if you don't Shut up I'll kill you" he said. "then do" i replied.

After awhile they left. I was completely alone. Then I remembered my phone. I can't get out of These ropes so let's try this. I got it.,I rang hayes.
Ha: hayes h:hope
Ha: Omg hope your alive

H: hayes help me it was my dad

Ha: he kidnapped you

H:ya please help

Ha: I'm coming where are you

H:I don't know but it very dark oh no I'm hearing footsteps I've got to go
End of convo

I slipped my phone in my pocket again. In walked in my dad. I pretended I was asleep he walked out again. Oh god I miss the boys and Courtney so much.

1 week later:

No one has came to get me. I haven't ate or drank. He hits me hurts me kicks me everything. He said he'll stop when I brake up with hayes.,I say no way. So he hits me again. Right now his gone. I'm thinking of them my boys my bestie Courtney. I miss them so much. I think to myself I midnt see them again. He walked in "hope I don't want to this but you leave me no choice". I knew what was happening. He cane closer I kicked,him hit him screamed at him. Noting. He picked me up and threw me against the wall. Kicked me hit me then he pulled out a knife. "are you going to break up with him" he said. "no I love him dad " i said. "any last words" he said. "can I ring them to say goodbye " i asked."ok"

I rang cam he picked up. "cam is everyone there" i asked. "hope Omg yes why" he said. "put me on loud speaker " i said.

Cam pov:

My phone rang it was hope. "cam is everyone there" she asked she sounded hurt broken upset. "hope Omg yes why" i said. "put me on loud speaker " she said.I did. "hope your on loud speaker" i said. "everybody i love you so much this is the last time Im gonna speak to you hayes I love you I'm gonna miss you bye everybody remember I love ya Courtney stay strong Bryan sorry I shouldn't have opened the door. Cam I love you bye forever" with that she hung up. No dad is going to kill her. Hayes was crying Courtney was trying to be strong. Bryan was shocked. "guys his going to kill her" i said. "i know where she is" holly said. We followed her.

Hope pov:

I hung up. "I'm done" i said. " ok are you going to break up with him" he asked again." no I will never" i said. " ok bye hope have a nice time in heaven" he said. He picked me up threw me onto the floor again and stranded on top of me. He came closer with the knife. Then I heard someone shout "noooooooo". He turned around then faced me again. He stuck the knife invent leg. I was loosing blood fast. By now he was gone. I blacked out.............
Cam pov:

Holly took us to the old factory. We walked in to see hope on the ground battered and bruised. She looked so different. Then we saw dad stick a knife in her leg. He was gone. By now Taylor rang an ambulance. She blacked out.

The ambulance arrived I got in everybody else followed in a taxi. Cone on hope pull through.

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