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Hope pov:

I woke up at 12a.m. Shit I slept on. I got out of bed to see everyone still in bed. "what the hell were late" i screamed. They jumped out of bed. How could we sleep in on the second day of magcon. I ran to the bathroom. I didn't go for a shower. I put my little bit of makeup on and got dressed pic at start. I walked out all eyes were on me. "what's wrong" i asked. "amm you might or might not have pants on" cam said. "Shit" i said running back into the bathroom and put on the rest of my outfit. " that's better" cam said.

It was now 1 magcon starts in a half an hour. I decided to text Courtney and andryah.
Text convo: h:hope a:andryah c:Courtney
H:hey girls want to hang out after magcon today
C: sure I miss my bae
A: sure baby girl
H: yay I missed ye ok 4 meet me at me and the boys room
A: k
C:k luv ya
End of convo.

"we better go" cam said. We walked downstairs. Ok get ready for this.

Bart called us out one by one. "hayes grier and hope dallas" me and hayes ran out hand in hand. Girls gave me glares. The boys started playing with a trampoline. "chicken" Taylor shouted. "oh am I" i said. "everybody say hope is a chicken" cam nash and the rest of the boys shouted. "ok I'll do it" i said getting annoyed. I gave the boys gestures to move back. They did. I ran and bounced and flipped the crowd went wild. " give it up for hope dallas who is certainly not a chicken"Taylor screamed into a mike.

After a while it came to the question part. Cam passed the mike to a young enough girl "my question is for hayes" she said. "ask away and what's your name" hayes asked. "I'm Kate and what do you see in hope like she is ugly and fat like what does she have that I don't have" she said. Omg did she just say that.  I didn't hear anything after that.I ran ofstage maybe that girl is right.

Hayes pov:

Cam passed the mike to a young enough girl "my question is for hayes" she said. "ask away and what's your name" i asked. "I'm Kate and what do you see in hope like she is ugly and fat like what does she have that I don't have" she said. Did she just say that about my beautiful hope. Hope ran off with tears in her eyes. " what was that for hope is so nice" all the boys said. "well I think she is ugly and fat" she said again. By bow nash was holding me back. Cam spoke into the mike "whoever thinks my sister is ugly and fat is not a fan of hers or any of the boys". "ya if your mean to hope your not our fan" jc sam and shawn said.

"Aww do you really mean that" i heard from behind me it was hope . " ya we do your our bestfriend" me and the boys said.

Hope pov:

Aww do you really mean that" i said after hearing what they said. " ya we do your our bestfriend" they all said. " GROUP HUG" Taylor screamed. We ran in to a bigg hug. " i love you guys" i said.  I heard aww's from the audience.

After another while we just took some pics and got to meet the fans.

I got a text.
Convo c: Courtney h:hope
C: me and andryah had to go home for a bit tell cam and jack j we said bye and sorry we can't hang out.

H: ok but text me when you are coming back because we are going to new Jersey in two days
End of convo.

"jj cam Courtney and andryah had to go home but be back in a bit " they nodded. We walked back to our room. " I WANT food" me and Taylor shouted. "let's get some then" the boys said. " can we go to ihop please" i asked. " ok" cam said. Bryan came over to me and gave me a hug. " what's that for" i asked. " because your my bestie" he said. I hugged him back. When we arrived at ihop we ordered and sat down. And ate. When we got the hotel it was 11. "do we gave magcon tomorrow" hayes asked. " no we have a break" cam said. " well I'm going to bed night" with that I got into bed and fell asleep straight away.

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