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Hope pov:

We walked downstairs to where magcon was being held. There was a line outside the hotel. "jesus do you see the line" cam said. We all nodded. We started walking backstage. Then we heard the room filling up.

Ok let's do this. Bart spoke into the mike "hello everybody welcome to the first official magcon so up first we have Cameron dallas, Taylor caniff, jc Caylen". Then it went on until it came to "lastly we have hayes grier and hope dallas". Me and hayes ran out on stage. Hayes got "Omg hayes I love you" i got "hope your my idol" or I just got glares.

Hayes pov:

Ok so when shawn starts singing the lights are going to go off and all the boys are going offstage.when the lights turn back on were back onstage with roses in our hands. Then I ask the question.

Ok now is the time. Shawn has started singing. Boom the lights are gone off. We walked backstage got the roses. Went back on. Bart turned the lights on. I tapped hope's shoulder. She turned around with a shocked face. "hope will you be my girlfriend again".

Hope pov:

"hope will you be my girlfriend again" hayes said. I was shocked. But so happy."yes hayes I will be your girlfriend again" i said. A smile grew on his face. I jumped into his arms. We heard "awww" from the audience.

"i helped" cam and nash said. I looked at them. "don't we get a hug" they said. I ran over and gave them a quick hug and ran back to hayes. We played a few games. Then we got to the question part.

I passed the mike to a blonde hair girl. "my question is for hope". I nodded. "do you have any hidden talents" she asked. I went to say no when cam butted in. "she can sing" he said. "no I can't" i said glaring at him. " yea you can" most of the boys said. "sing sing sing" the crowd was chanting. "ok OK ok" i said.

I went over to the mike and sang hazy by rozi golan.

I watched you sleepin' quietly in my bed
You don't know this now but 
There's somethings that need to be said
And it's all that I can hear
It's more than I can bear

What if I fall and hurt myself
Would you know how to fix me?
What if I went and lost myself
Would you know where to find me?
If forgot who I am 
Would you please remind me?
Oh, cause without you things go hazy.


I watched you sleepin' quietly in my bed
You don't know this now but 
There's somethings that need to be said
It's all that I can hear
It's more than I can bear

What if I fall and hurt myself
Would you know how to fix me?
What if I went and lost myself
Would you know where to find me?
If I forgot who I am
Would you please remind me?
Oh, cause without you things go hazy.


What if I fall and hurt myself
Would you know how to fix me?
What if went and lost myself
Would you know where to find me?
If I forgot who I am
Would you please remind me?
Oh, cause without you things go hazy.

When I finished everyone clapped. After the show we took some pictures with the fans and when backed to our room. We stayed up till 1a.m. Playing truth or dare. Hayes came over to me before we went to bed "night baby see ya in the morning" and gave me a kiss and walked back to his bed. He came back to me abs said "Bryan is In my and taylor's bed guess I'm with you".,I nodded and we got in. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.
Long chapter hope you enjoyed

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