chapter 20

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hayes pov;

cam was over with me and nash. "hey cam where's hope"i said. "oh she said she had to do some shopping for magcon or something"he replied. "oh" is all i said. "hayes do you still like her" nash and cam asked. "like who" i asked i had no clue what they were on about. "hope" they said in a kinda duh tone. "am well yeah i still really like her but i dont think she would take me back" i said. "hayes trust me she really likes you too she just needs to know she can trust you" cam said. yesssss she liked me still. "ive got an idea" nash said. "so wedensday at magcon you ask her to go on a date with you on stage"he said. "ya we can tell everyone but her even bart but ofcourse not the audiance" cam chimed in. "perfect" i screamed. it was now around 9 we had to be at the hotel tommorow around 10 a.m. because bart wants us to get our rooms and everything. "im gonna go" cam said. "cam how much will i need to pack" nash said. "well were gonna be gone for a month then a week break so bring a months clothing"he replied. "night lads im  going to sleep" i said. "night" they said. i went to bed so happy.

*next morning*

hope pov:

yay today is magcon. i woke up at 6. i hopped in the shower. when i came out i blow dryed my hair and put it into a side braid. then i got dressed pic at start. i did a light makeup. bye now it was 8. bart said he was getting a taxi to collect me courtney nash cam and hayes. i went downstairs to see courts nash hayes and cam. "nashy" i said running up giving him a hug. nash is like an older brother. "what about me" cam said acting like he was hurt. "cammy" i said giving him a big hug. "courts whats for breakfast" i said giving her a hug. "well me and the girls are getting something to eat when we get there" she said. "oh so im not a girl" i said. "no you are its just since were not really a part of magcon" she said. "ok i get it" i said. you see courtney didnt actually get asked to be in magcon. im the only girl. "bart said were having a magcon breakfast when we get there" cam said. "ok" i said. i ran upstairs grabbed my suitcase filled with all my clothes shoes makeup. then i made sure i had my phone earphones and phone charger. oh and also some moneey.

beep beep

we ran outside with are bags. we throw them in the trunk and got in. i was sitting beside hayes courtney beside cam and nash by himself. i still like hayes i just need to know i can trust him. i put in my headphones and started listening to music. we fianlly arrived. i get to see my boys from the other day, ive missed them :'(. when i got in there they stood. i couldnt help it i screamed "hello everybody". "hope"they screamed running over to me. bart came out "ok there are 2 rooms one for people in magcon one for gueasts. so hope you ok staying with the boys" he said. "sure we will have some laugh" i said smileing. "HOPE" i hearsd from  behind me i turned around to see andryah."ANDRYAH" i screamed running over to her. i gave her a big hug. "so your andryah" bart said. she nodded. "youre staying with these girls" he said pointing to courtney and the girls.she nodded. "baby" jj said coming over to her giving her a big hug and kiss. "awww" i said. andryah startred blushing. then i went over to bart. "cam told me there was going to be a breakfast or something" i asked. "sorry no" he siad. oh cam your dead. (never lie to me about food its too serious). "CAM" i shouted. the girls were gone including andryah and courtney it was just me and the boys. "oh your in for it" hayes and nash said. "you lied to me about food" i whined/ shouted. "yeah because if i didnt you would of been another hour eating" he said. "well jokes on you now you have to take me to taco bell" i said. "uh fine lets go" he said. "we want to come" the boys said. we started walking then we got to taco bell.

andryah pov:

i wish i could of stayed with hope. these girls are really annoying courtney is getting annoyed too. i know by her face.we were going to taco bell to get some food then we were going shopping. we ordered and took a seat. "oh my god look what just walked in"skylar said pointing to hope. "yes" me and courtney said. "uh why her" the rest of the girls said. "whats wrong with hope" me and courtney asked confused. "she is a tom boy" mary said. "and your point is" i said. " my point is she shouldnt hang around with us" gionovva said. "well sorry but im saying no to that" me and courtney said. "same" said marta and tianna. we walked away to a different table.

hope pov:

we ordered what we wanted and left since bart wanted us back.

we got back to the hotel and went to me and the boys room. we ate. bart came in. "ok shawn jacob your gonna sing tommrow. the rest of ye are going to do a few games. so the the girls arent aloud on stage only hope" he said. we nodded. "ok so im gonna pair ye up with someone so listen for your name and then stand beside your partner:

bryan and jacob

jack j and brent

hayes and taylor

cam and aaron

carter and shawn

matt and jc 

and sam and hope. 

thats who your gonna share a bed with and also gonna be your pair for the games on stage tommorow" with that he left.

6 hours later

the girls just came back they came in here. they were in two separate groups courtney tianna marta and andryah and in the other skylar mary and ginovva. i wonder what happened. "ok everybody it is now 11 we better go to bed" cam said. i said night to the girls then went over to andryah and courtney. "night my baes" i screamed. "night my little girl"they scremaed. we hugged and they left, then i went over to sam and my bed. to my surprise bryan and sam had swapped. "hey baby girl" bryan said. "hey i was suppose to share with sam" i said. "we swapped so it wouldnt b awkward" sam said since he was right beside us. i got in and bryan pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me. "last time we did this barry and josh were alive" i said. "ya i know im sorry for that" he siad. i nodded. "night" i screamed to the boys. "night" they scremaed back. then taylor shouted "HOPE". "what" i screamed jumping to my feet. "just cheaking if you were awake" he said. i grabbed my pillow and went over to him and hayes bed. wacked him across the head. he jumped out of bed and chased after me.  cam was looking at me. i ran over to him. "cammy taylor is trying to hurt me" i said in a baby voice. "she wacked me over the head with a pilow" he said putting his hand up in surrender. "did you hit him" cam asked "ya" i said. "HIGH FIVE"cam screamed. i gve him one. "now go to bed. i got back in with bryan and fell asleep

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