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hope pov:

i wake up to noise downstairs. i walk downstairs to see cam matt nash and hayes. "what the hell ye woke me up" i shouted. they jumped. i just started laughing . "not funny hope" cam said.  "so what are ye up to" i said. "attempting to make breakfast" matt said. "go away before ye burn the house down" i said. they backed away. i went to the press got out a pan. then went to the fridge and got out eggs milk cheese. i started to make omlettes. "hope you need any help" matt said. " ya would you set out the table" i replied. after that we sat down st have breakfast. cam said hell do the dishes. "hope can  i speak to you" matt said. i  dont know to be wooried or excited.

we walked out to the backyard. "so whats up matt" i said. " i was woonderimg if you would like t-o be m--y girl-f-riend" he asked. i stood there speechless untill i sadi "yes matt i will be your girlfriend" i said. he looked shocked. "ok follow up queastion will you be my date to the halloween dance" he asked. i just nodded. he came closer and closer then wispered " thank you". "for what" i replied. " for being you" he said. i just blushed. we opened to the door to cam nash and hayes falling out, "stalk much" i said. 

later on matt said" hey cam can i stay over tonight". "ya hope dont forget bryan barry and josh are coming tonight" he said. i jumped up and down my boys are coming over, matt pulled me by my waist and pulled me onto his lap. this is it my first kiss i thought. he came closer and closer. until his soft lips touched mine. i felt fireworks exploding like it was the 4th of july. all the sound of the tv was gone. IT WAS PERFECT. he stopped when the doorbell rang. i ran over to open the door to my boys. they rackled me with hugs. "hey hope miss me much" bryan said. i always had missed that cheeky smile of his. " how could i not" i replied sacasticly. " so any news" josh said. " actually ya" i said. "spill" thy praticly shouted. "ok so ive got a date to the halloween party" i said bryan looke upset. then i said the  biggest piece of news "i got a boyfriend".

bryan pov:

"ive got a boyfriend" hope says. its like someone has just rpped put my heart and stomped on.

i dont know what to do so ijust got up grabbe dmy bag and left "bryan bryan" hope was calling i dont care  i just left

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